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Re: VHL - Virax Holdings


I'm not aware of any upcoming announcements, but I haven't been trawling through the issued statements all that closely lately.

As may be gathered from the drop in the SP over the time of the last 2 posts, Aug 2010 was a flop. Since the then Virax has been gasping for air, not always successfully.

I don't know if there's any life in this entity or not: I watch for news, on the basis that somebody's trying to keep it afloat as a going concern. Maybe it's just their hobby.

I've seen a few ex-biotechs been gutted into shell companies, and then turned into mining ventures - SLT, BPO. I wonder if Virax isn't going to suddenly start drilling for something somewhere sometime.

As a shell, I think $0.001 or 0.002 is a better proposition than $0.01.

But as a biotech, this is real bottom of the bottom-drawer stuff.
