Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Real-time share prices

15 December 2008
Hi guys,

I am new to shares and have just started some small tradings lately. I want to ask whether is there any free software/website that can indicate real-time prices for shares? I have Commsec account and I noticed the price they show is somewhat not the latest price. Thank you in advance for any advice:)

Re: Real-time shares price

Hi, if you refresh the commsec page then the latest prices will be displayed.

Alternatively if refresh gets tiresome then Commsec Protrader offers real time data for $82.50 / month and less if you trade a certain amount.

I don`t know of any free r/t data providers.
Re: Real-time shares price

One weird thing, at least to me, that I noticed in Commsec is when it comes to 4.10pm after the closing, the price shown on Commsec is not the closing price on that day. I must wait till around 4.30 to get the final price on ASX or Commsec. Just wondering anyone could help?
Re: Real-time shares price

My apologies with protrader, I haven`t traded with comsec for a couple years now and it seems they have a new platform .... Commsec Iress free after 8 or more trades per month ...


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Re: Real-time shares price

One weird thing, at least to me, that I noticed in Commsec is when it comes to 4.10pm after the closing, the price shown on Commsec is not the closing price on that day. I must wait till around 4.30 to get the final price on ASX or Commsec. Just wondering anyone could help?

Using the Commsec BHP dom it is the same as E*trade so I don`t know how you could compare.What with?? :confused:
Hi Honey85,
You might like to take a look at MSP at This will import the real time prices from CommSec and display your watchlist, automatically refreshing at your choice of intervals i.e. you can set it to update every 1 minute, 5 minutes, ten minutes etc. This also means that you stay logged on. As a plus it also downloads a list of ASX announcements and flags them as being market sensitive or otherwise (double-clicking on the announcement will bring it up in your PDF viewer).

Apologies in advance to anyone who is offended by this shameless self-promotion!:)

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