Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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On the question of safety and emissions of different energy sources, I'll add:

Oil & Gas - any assessment of the death toll should, if the intent is to be accurate, include the assorted wars and human rights violations it causes and funds. The Ukraine war, for example, almost certainly wouldn't be occurring if not for oil and gas sending an outright fortune to Russia's government. Plenty more examples like that globally - oil's probably worse than coal if we add them all up and gas would increase greatly compared to the figure on the chart too.

Hydro - emissions are hugely variable depending on what's under the reservoir. The details aren't public so I won't name them but suffice to say studies of existing hydro and other reservoirs in Australia found truly massive variation in between them after adjusting for scale. On the safety side, as noted pretty much the entire global death toll relates to a single dam failing on account of inferior design - take that out and its record improves dramatically.  :2twocents
