Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Re: Share Express Pty Ltd

Do not deal with them...they lose your money and are a waste of time. They come across as conservative and caring about your money and claim how legit they with their financial certificates etc but are total failures. I signed on for the one of life fee of approx. $5000 and handed over power of attorney with $20,000 into my IG trading account and started trading....losing approx $100 a week. Complained after 3 months and they said ... stick by us over a longer period and history shows that we will perform. After 6 months it got worse ..complained again and they offered me a stop loss..and 3 months later no improvement..they repeated the offer of a SL which would take me up to 12 months. So at 12 months with the market doing well they were still down...time to cut my losses and say good bye to a failure and nasty experience. They said on $20000 in their sales promo that you would earn 5 to 10% as a minimum and wanted me to place $60000 in...glad I didnt. Anyway the message is stay away from them get the knowledge yourself and use it for your own trading....since leaving them and placing their money into my share trading account I am doing much better. By the way the salesman who sold me the deal would not speak to me again after l requested to talk to him...that says alot about the company.

STAY AWAY FROM SHARE EXPRESS ... you will lose your money
