Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Chuck Butler, bless his age ridden soul, is once again talking about a short squeeze on silver.

I have heard this many many times, and have hoped that it might be true, but alas have always been disappointed.

One day he will be right, its just working out which of the days it is.

As most Silver produced is a byproduct of  mining metals like Zince lead and Nickel,  its supply is somewhat tied to the price/supply of those metals.

With a lot of Nickel, Lead and Zinc mines being put into care and maintenance due to low prices, the supply side is contracting.

Unlike Gold,  Silver is an industrial metal and lots of it gets consumed.

At some point , a real shortage  will develop, and we are off to the races.

Its just we don't know when.

So its a long term suffering hold.

