Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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MSR are not anticipating any problems in this area, neither did Caspian, i guess!

In order to expedite a mining permit for Shambesai, during the quarter the Company maintained continual

dialogue with the Kyrgyz Republic State Agency for Geology and Natural Resources (SAGNR) and the Kyrgyz

Ministry of Economy and Anti‐Monopoly in regards to the submission of the Shambesai TEO Report (Russian

interpretation for Technological and Economic Justification Study). The report shows a robust economic

evaluation of the Shambesai project and that Manas has delineated sufficient gold reserves to justify the grant of

a mining licence.

On 22 March 2012, the Director of SAGNR, Mr Uchkun Tashbaev, approved the composition of a committee on

licensing of subsoil use, or the State Licensing Committee, on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic Government. This

Committee is responsible for granting all mineral licences and it has commenced that process. Manas is

encouraged by the recent granting of mining permits to Chaarat Gold Holdings Limited and Highland Gold Mining

Ltd, both of which are listed on the London Stock Exchange.

As a result, Manas is confident that the approval of the TEO report and the subsequent granting of a mining

permit for Shambesai will be forthcoming prior to the end of 2012 as the Company has recently noted that Shambesai gold production has been budgeted for by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the 2014

development protocol.
