Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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I have read heaps of crap on the closed threads, dont make it like them. The mods should just delete irrelevant.

Anyway, I suppose put my 2 bobs worth in.

Housing prices will remain stable and continue to grow, just to mention a few of my reasons including.

Wage Growth released yesterday showed a 5% increase to wages.

Net Migration to Australia, particulary Victoria will keep house prices boosted.

Generation Y stating to move out of home and buy/rent

The older people living longer.

These are my reasons,no please feel free to shoot me down.

I did read something interesting from a private wealth group recently that stated that if you should only consider your property portfolio as the amount of deposit and holding costs you outlay. Now this was referring back to benchmark asset allocation for investment portfolios, but i belive this can be applied to many younger peoples on here portfolios.

Think about this.

Go get a 5% deposit for your a property, prob 1 year saving for alot of couples who dont have the big expenses. Then this deposit becomes your property investment. The interest that you outlay is your holding cost as youd be paying rent anway, and your excess cash princial repayents is discretionary investment. You could run the loan interest only and your princiapl payments could be put into the sharemarket or other things.

Now you have achieved two things by doing the above.

1) Satisfied a need of shelter

2) Bought a long term growth asset - property

3) divirsified your portfolio by building assets around your property.

Now anyone care to comment?, Any thoughts on this theory??
