Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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** Don’t screw up what you have, and don’t be greedy !!!! **

 yep that is basically my plan  ( although i need to be a little bit greedy  , but NOT screw up  what i have )

 sadly i am closer to the ' can't compute ' group

 **  I think that some sort of at least rudimentary understanding of macro economics might help here.... And an understanding of the function of Central Banks and how they operate in practice. **

 i did that and have a BAD headache  , something about macro economics  collided with MMT   when propelled by Central Banks

 ** That's actually pretty hard for we plebeians, and I thank those podcasts I listen to for helping me here. **

 i absolutely agree there  ( even if You-Tube banned half the confronting theories , for daring us to think  )
