Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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Definitively a reasonable prediction, i am a firm believer in the influence of the WEF Reset..and these guys would not let that scenario survive.

I expect a push to war .

Just hope they will fail and normal economics and population rejects will collapse their agenda.

The response of people to the Ukrainian scenario is the key.

Currently, European populations are letting an economic suicide go unchallenged, but they had lost all cohesion and were already down the drain via decades of migration push

So big one is the US/Canada citizens responses.

Canada had the truck blockade .. crashed down..

Will the American spirit save them/us?

I am sceptical.

if Americans just comply, total war hot or economic is next with currency collapse, famine, asset seizure, market closure and Orwell world based on new gov crypto currency with total control on  information, finance and freedom/absence of justified by the conflict. Vs Russia China...

I am not talking decades, but years at most.

Where does that leave the ASX?

Not in a decade long boom..
