Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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your very good at ad hominem attacks but very weak on substance to back up your big mouth little troll,

nothing i have posted on here cant be verified by a quick google search... hardly hysterical and by labelling everything a 'conspiracy theory' or 'lunatic' without ever bothering to do a little research shows how narrow minded and ignorant you are.

go tell the thousands of ppl in USA who lost their homes only to discover that their tax money was used to support the banks & not the mortagee's that they are conspiracy theorist nut-job sky is falling lunatics and see how long it takes them to wipe that smirk of your face, mr smarty-pants!

(not that its any of your business but i worked for a yank company for nearly 3 yrs & am still good friends with some of my old work crew... get them going on the subject and they'll burn your ears off with how bad the situation is in the US for the 'lower' classes....) in summary.. you disagree with what ive posted...fine.. your choice! try to belittle my comments without actually adressing them tho & well you can just F*CK OFF
