Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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The GFC was just the 9pm kiddies fireworks before the real show at midnight.

Buffet lost big time on a lot of wrong bets, and only bought 'distressed' assets because he was fully 'informed' & backstopped by a large organisation ie something like the US Fed?

The strategy of step 5 (apart from paying down debt) will not be able to be enacted because when midnight comes the traditional markets will be frozen solid ie not tradable! First they will stop short selling, then apply limit downs then a range of other measures all the  way to finally an indefinate market halt, a bit like the property trusts have been for the last 4 years.

So, the only real way to prepare is to have physical cash and assets worth exchanging goods & sevices for. What they are I will leave it to you, but they are metallic & shiny:D

I think we are closer to the start of the final show that we are to the end of the GFC?
