Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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i suggest you look up the definition of an ad hominem attack 'an attack of the persons character to try to discredit his position' ... i posted alot of (probably too much) information that i have gathered over the years... not once did you attempt to discredit the evidence other than attacking me as a 'lunatic'.

if you had come out and said.. 'well that point is not correct or is only a half truth you've bent to suit your arguement' etc, then i would have engaged you in a debate... but you attacked me personally to belittle and discredit my position... then you have the nerve to act all offended when i reply in kind.

words such as 'spewed bile, howl, shriek, frenzied mad man, lunatic nutbag' all aimed at character assassination rather than addressing my points. that is the context that YOU decided to take my posts in...

its not the way i have tried to promote my position (and if that is how i do come across i apolagise to the ASF members reading my posts) they are meant to be informative & give ppl an alternative veiwpoint rather than be just another rant. i thought the info that i have provided would have shown that!    :banghead:   :banghead:  

   ...anyhow no positive comments on the points i make in my posts yet so looks like your winning troll... i'll give it another couple of days but till then i'm outa here... sweet dreams...
