Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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I have been active of late in Banks ....

added or should I say purchased at absurd prices today.

Was NOT amused at WBC  or its accounts.

Clearly and very clearly it stunk, despite that the stock went UP and UP and UP from $23.66 low to an insane $25.96 high. I wish I had all the buys I did at the low, but when the accounts were examined along with commentary it was a total no brainier to reduce and reduce very HARD. Reason being the capital adequacy, comments about more storms on the Horizon and well ... when the market up to a week ago gives one a gift exit when its clear its time to give the idiots back the shares they sold.

I missed the range of 8% by a long way, but ... also got the 80 cent fully franked dividend to make up for the slow way I entered ... and so too the slow exit.

Cannot complain ... the total range was 8% .... and despite being too soon buying ... 3% off the lows and snagging close to the absolute low ... only got half that ... so ... overall well over 10% yield plus some serious franking credits.

Entered today ... SLOWLY ... this is the bank with the biggest fleas, Litigation wise ,,, capital wise ... and of course managed to pay near the bloody high for the day when the low ...  was 35 cents LOWER.

Despite issues ... and knowing them, being paid 6% plus and that's being ultra conservative ... with franking credits again for me is fine. I might add 12 month low of close to it as well.

We shall see how far they send it this time but not about to miss the mayhem.

Added a few of the other banks as well after giving back in the same way as they had even insaner rises. ANZ for example .... went up from $24- to an idiotic .... $27.29 which, well .... even the blind could see at 13% rise was idiotic,

NAB .... similar if not identical rise to ANZ .... and NAB seems to have less issues than any of the banks.

BEN ... knowing full well there was a cap raising coming, the results were good .... but CAP raise and lowered dividend as expected again not great. ... but boy did they slam that a few months ago ... irresistible ... knowing the risks and a mid range 10% or so rally. Its now hit the ground with a thud ... despite being with dividend of 31 cents fully franked and I suppose .... risk the dividend yearly is 58 cents or so .... 55 longer term .... at $9.20 well ... with 31 cent Dividend next week .... seriously ?

Yet another 6% yeild ... at worst likely a bit higher ....

BOQ I put in the trash .... forever.

One thing is clear, and that's we remain at low rates for a long time. When offered an effective yeild of 6% plus franking credits so equiv of over 8% .... gee ... golly golly gee.

But for now end of world.

If Bernie gets in, USA will have a cow .... corporate made to pay tax ? Healthcare at absurd prices and awful coverage ... some of them will overnight thankfully implode.

Time will tell on that one. First he needs to be selected over the corrupt Democratic party elites and likes of Billionaire imbeciles like Bloomberg. Spending 500 million on his preselection and likely USD 700 million by Super Tuesday ... which is 4 days away !!

The man is a zombie that makes even Zuckerburg look human which he is not ...

Should be a fun 2020 ... and if Bernie wins .... which I suspect he is a shoe in, with some serious caveats on the bloody party he is running for ... who is so corrupt ... then Trump ... he faces Trump ... the Yam headed imbecile.

