Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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I get Eureka and I think it provides a good balanced financial overview.

Although it doesn't actively provide "tips", I look forward to Charlie Aitkens contributions. It was solely his indepth research, belief in the project, and pure enthusiasm he displayed towards FMG that made me purchase 4000 shares at $3. With a balance passing $50,000 after today's SP - I have not been disappointed!!! I can honestly say I would not have purchased without reading his 5 page report. I have not seen a written broker report as comprehensive. After reading, it demanded my attention and action.   

He could see success written all over FMG - but more importantly, he was able to pass that confidence onto me. Although it is all "water under the bridge" now, I urge evryone to try and get their hands on Charlie's report he wrote for Eureka in about April/May 2007. I defy anyone not to be impressed by his ability to read this stock, and the resource sector in general.  

