Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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i subscribe to lance spicers newsletter and highly reccomend it...

the free one you recieve doesnt go into nearly as much detail as the subscription does (of course) but in it lance goes to great lenght to explain his position on everything from his outlook on certain stocks to his view of the future world economic position,

 he has a similar style to warren buffet, lets face it, he puts his money where his mouth is and his portfolio (last i checked) was +26% while some of the "big names" are down as much as -42% ... the results say it all for me... i'm sold and will be renewing my subscription with confidence...

 ...and no... besides subscribing to the newsletter i have no connection at all with either lance spicer nor trident confidential.... i just really like the returns im getting from his newsletter is all! :D
