Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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hi there,

i can only answer your questions in relation to my own experience's so please take that into account before considering my responses to your questions ok ;)

*i havn't used the broker reccomended in the trident confidential newsletter for the simple reason that i already had a brokerage account set up before i subscribed to the newsletter that worked well and had a similar brokerage service, the brokerage costs you quoted are as they appear on the subscription website so i guess thats correct.

*resubscription is $399 however if you let the subscription lapse and dont re-subscribe before a certain timeframe it goes back to being $700

*how long it takes to make back the subscription cost depends on how much you actually invest, so sorry but i cant help you with your individual situation but with regards to myself i made alot more than $700 (in share value increases NOT profit) in the first week from only 1 of the shares that he reccomended.

the shares in my portfolio that i chose myself independantly from lances are going from green to red to green and back each day... the shares i selected from trident are in the green 90% of the time... hows that for an explanation :eek: ..haha..

*the first rule in investing has got to be RESEARCH EVERYTHING before you sink your hard earned cash into an investment... so yes i DEFINATELY do research independantly of the trident newsletter on ANY stock i invest in ...its only common sense really ;)

i use the trident newsletter to give me an insight into which shares are "on the move" ...kind of like getting an adviser to narrow down the field based on the companies' fundamentals and future growth potential...

then i pick the shares that suit my individual investment style (personally i stick to companies that actually HAVE something "solid" to back them... such as proven mining stocks, construction/ maintenance/ service companies, blue chip industrials and oil/gas/resource type stocks

 i balance these "low risk", dividend paying stocks with some speculative stocks in mineral exploration etc where there is potential for huge growth in shareprice (but unfortunately also where dividends could be long way off), and i stear clear of financial, IT, .com's, R&D etc stocks due too their volatility ... my advice... anything that seems too good to be true generally is!

thats how i invest anyway and i havnt done my a*se yet :)  (touch wood!)
