Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

NAB - National Australia Bank

I think there is more likelihood of the last sentence, coming to fruition, than the first.
Just my opinion.

The first sentence is already here, a goodly chunk of Big 4 funding comes from wholesale overseas credit market. Maybe you think the Australian economy is super stable or whatever, but if Europe and Asia get a hiccup, they will either pay a lot to roll that funding or simply be unable to roll it at all.
The first sentence is already here, a goodly chunk of Big 4 funding comes from wholesale overseas credit market. Maybe you think the Australian economy is super stable or whatever, but if Europe and Asia get a hiccup, they will either pay a lot to roll that funding or simply be unable to roll it at all.

I don't see the overseas economies having a hiccup, I see our economy as being more fragile. Take out resources and what supports our lifestyle and welfare society?
Using a quote you made on another thread:
We like to think we are a developed economy but our sector weights and index performance over the long term is much closer to an Emerging Markets index.
As our population grows and our manufacturing reduces, we become more and more like an emerging economy. IMO
So I think there is a greater possibility of our dollar falling, as our productivity falls, than credit funding drying up.
Our economy looks a lot more like Brazil's than Germany's. IMO
Our economy looks a lot more like Brazil's than Germany's. IMO

Emerging economies, especially Brazil, are pretty much wholly reliant on that wholesale funding.

I recognise that to most it’s probably an inconceivable risk, but for me personally, it’s on my risk list.
I scraped together a few more coins yesterday to buy some more NAB. If it gets a bounce I will most likely sell this parcel, otherwise I will be drinking cask wine this Christmas and holding for the long term.
I scraped together a few more coins yesterday to buy some more NAB. If it gets a bounce I will most likely sell this parcel, otherwise I will be drinking cask wine this Christmas and holding for the long term.
These opportunities are what set you up for retirement. IMO
They are also the ones that mean you have to keep working. Nab is in a downtrend it might bounce of 24.
I call these a hope trade.
That is the good thing about shares, for every person that thinks a share is worth buying, there is someone who thinks they should be sold.
Hindsight is what shows who was right.
That is the good thing about shares, for every person that thinks a share is worth buying, there is someone who thinks they should be sold.
Hindsight is what shows who was right.

But if you think it's a generational buy that'll set you up for retirement, why not wait for a higher low?
But if you think it's a generational buy that'll set you up for retirement, why not wait for a higher low?
That is where it comes back to the individual, a bell doesn't ring when a share hits the bottom, so to accumulate the share when it reaches your perceived good value makes sense. IMO
I am not talking about trading shares, more about building a backbone for a portfolio, that can supply an income in retirement. These sort of opportunities come along a few times in your life, I just added to the pool when they did.
It is the way I did it and I retired at 55, not saying it is right or wrong, just that it worked for me. What is the old saying, different strokes for different folks.
I bought some more just after the open this morning. If they cart me off to the funny farm, point the shrink to this thread.
Also thought today was a long term buying opportunity, in at $23.20.

Thinking/hoping/wishing/praying that the banks are in a similar spot to every sector and one time or another and trend back. How long this will be is anyone's guess?!
"Don't NAB the cash" was the ear-thump message given by shareholders yesterday for Adoption of the Remuneration Report for the year ended 30 September 2018. I believe it was approx. 88% NO vote and a First Strike.
Possible break through of $23 at open.
I've bought too many already, so I'll try to ignore the price action for the time being.
Wondering how long that $1 divvy can be sustained? Thoughts on if we will see it reduced for Half year? Will the RC be complete by then? (Haven't heard much of it, as of recent)
Will the labor franking bill have that much impact (Will it be passed - me thinks no, even though a resounding labour victory is eminent.

The more the price goes down, the more questions I will ask haha

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