Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

TCG - Turaco Gold

It would appear that an overseas broker has started covering MSR. Text of their report below:

The full report is on the Bloomberg system under MSR - All News / Research

Report start -

Golden Opportunity

With the price of gold off the record levels at but still trading at USD 1,730 per ounce or 20% higher YTD, we have been investigating companies in our region, which can be defined as the Former Soviet Union (FSU), that are either producing or are very close to producing gold from mining activities. Key areas we have focused on are location, resource outlined to date and average operating cost per
ounce. We are pleased to present clients of Foyil Securities with background on Australian quoted Manas Resources (MSR AU) who are on the verge of producing gold from their 100% owned projects in the Kyrgyz Republic with a production cost that will make them one of the lowest cost gold miners in the world right at the time when gold is still viewed as a viable and safe investment in the time of global economic turmoil.

Key drivers
► Mining approvals on the horizon. On 21st June MSR reported via an ASX release that they have submitted the TEO report (Technical and Economic Justification Study) to the Kyrgyz Ministry of Natural Resources for review. The Kyrgyz Republic has made a major effort to attract FDI from
international mining companies to develop the gold mining sector in the country. MSR has full support from the local community and has worked where ever possible with local engineering companies to progress the projects. Approval of the TEO will immediately allow MSR to apply for a
mining license. The Kyrgyz Republic boasts corporate tax of only 10% and gold production royalties and minor taxes that will be a maximum of 5.5% further adding to the financial strength of the project from a reporting perspective.

► 1.13m ounces of gold resources which are compliant with the JORC code. MSR currently has underway a 20,000 m drilling program across all active exploration sites of which 12,500 m has been completed and 5,000 m reported. The two main target areas to date, Shambesai and Obdilla,
give MSR 1.13m ounces of in-ground gold resources based on activities since 2008. MSR continues to drill prospective sites within its 4,400 km² landholding and in Q2 drilled the first hole at a new site called Pum that lies just 3 km from the main Shambesai zone. Drilling outside the existing resource boundaries at other prospects has produced an encouraging result, which will require
further drilling and analysis but could become a third mine site within the landholding. With an initial
first-stage mine plan producing annual output of 35,000 ounces of gold for 5.5 years, the current resources offer the opportunity for significant expansion both in terms of gold output and mine life. The next resource update for Shambesai � in which a significant expansion is expected � is due by the end of September.

► Strong balance sheet. On 10th December 2010 MSR announced a capital raising of AUD 11.5m. This offer was heavily oversubscribed and MSR issued 57.5mn shares at an AUD 0.20 share price. This was notable for being above the prevailing market price of AUD 0.19 at the time. At 30 June
2011 the company had cash reserves of AUD 8.8 million with 177 million shares, 60 million listed options and 15 million unlisted options on issue. Cash burn for the current quarter is estimated at AUD 2.65m as the exploration program concludes, which will leave MSR with AUD 6.18m in cash on the balance sheet as the quarter ends, plus a further AUD 12m subject to the exercise of the 60m quoted options at AUD 0.2 exercise price , which expire September 30, 2011.

► Production to start in 2012. MSR plans to start production at the end of 2012. The production site will be located in the Shambesai valley. CapEx necessary to launch production is estimated at AUD 16.3m, which will be spent on the construction of a Vat and Heap Leach Plant the construction of which will commence upon the company�s receiving government approval. Money necessary for
building the plant will be received either by converting 60m options provided the stock price reached AUD 0.2 per share in September, through issue of further equity or will be borrowed.

► The purpose of this report is to inform Foyil Securities� clients of the opportunity in the region. A
Scoping Study released on 16 November 2010 showed a pre-tax cash flow of USD 118M at a USD 1,000 gold price for mining mainly the 180,000 ounce high-grade oxide portion of Shambesai only. Significant upside exists in the remaining resource at Shambesai and the 485,000 ounce Obdilla resource only 7km away. At this point, our Buy rating of the stock is based on the expected announcement of resource upgrade in September, which will raise the company�s reserves from the current 1.13m ounces and the release of a Feasibility Study later in the year which will place a value on the cash flows to the Company as it enters production. With a current gold price of USD 1,830
per ounce and past economic figures run at USD 1,000, there is significant potential for a substantial increase in value both on the first-stage oxide operation, future underground and sulphide operations, and on the increase of current in-ground resources.

Company profile
Manas Resources Limited is an Australian-based gold explorer in the Kyrgyz Republic with substantial
resources, high grade drill targets and a large highly-prospective land holding in the world class Tien Shan
gold belt. Manas Resources was a wholly owned subsidiary of Perseus Mining (PRU AU) who are focused on gold mining in Africa. PRU is now a AUD 1.4bn company and given their focus on other geographical areas, Manas Resources was spun out into a separate company and floated on the Australian stock exchange (ASX) in 2008. PRU remains the largest shareholder of MSR owning some 24% of the issued
shares. Since 2008 MSR has been focused solely on exploring and drilling it�s 4,400 km² landholding in the
South of the country and has become the largest and most active gold explorer in the Kyrgyz Republic. The exploration activities have so far resulted in a resource of 1,130,000 ounces of gold which MSR plan to put into production in 2012 with an initial extraction cost of USD 180 per ounce and output of around 35,000 ounces per year over the first 3 years. The operating cost places MSR in the lowest quartile of any gold producers worldwide and is one of the key drivers in Foyil Securities releasing this research note.

Additional investment points
► Substantial exploration program underway. Manas Resources has now completed a substantial exploration program at the Shambesai gold projection the Kyrgyz Republic - with 7,500 meters of results still pending - which are expected by September 2011. The program included 5,000 meters of infill drilling, 5,000 meters of extensional drilling and 2,500 meters of sterilization and
geotechnical drilling. The main focus of drilling at Shambesai have been on areas which Manas has designated as critical to expanding the shallow oxide resource for mining, while expanding the western pit boundary and increasing the economics of the pit optimization for the Feasibility Study. A resource update is forecast to be received in the September quarter. Shambesai is highly
prospective due to previously announced hits such as 33.7 meters at 10.74 grams per tonne (g/t) gold from 114 meters, including 7.8 meters at 28.64 g/t gold. The impact from this and other high grade hits improved the project's economics by substantially increasing the underground potential.
In other Manas news - drilling has now kicked off at the Ulugtau and Obdilla prospects, with Tashbulak to commence soon. Another major plus for Manas is that the Feasibility Study for Shambesai is progressing ahead of schedule, and will be completed in the December 2011 quarter.

► Experienced management team. MSR�s management has over 80 years of combined experience in the minerals industry in geological consulting and gold mining with strong links to Perseus Mining Ltd, which is a key shareholder in MSR, giving the company the necessary skills to succeed.
A stock with a MC of $21m, $10.6m available to them and a small, but high margin gold mine, with cash costs of $411 per ounce and a capital cost pay back of 10 months, possible in the future.
Not the worst scenario!

MC - 21m
SP - 9c
Shares - 228m
Options - NQ
Cash - $10.6m

Shambesai Gold Project – Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS)
 Projected net cash flow of US$208M after recovering capital expenditure of US$37M from the production of 245,000 ounces of gold at an average grade of 2.8 g/t gold over an initial 4.5‐year mine life (at US$1,500 per ounce gold price)
 Mineral Inventory of 3.2M tonnes at 2.8 g/t gold for 285,000 ounces includes a Probable Reserve of 2.5M tonnes at 3.0 g/t gold for 245,000 ounces of gold and additional Inferred material of 0.7M tonnes at 1.9 g/t gold for 40,000 ounces of gold
 Average life‐of‐mine cash cost (C1 costs) of US$411 per ounce from processing entire 285,000 ounces, placing Shambesai in the lowest quartile of cash costs for gold producers worldwide
 Recent successful Leachwell™ analysis on additional sulphide material highlights the potential to increase reserves and production rates beyond the Shambesai Mineral Inventory in the DFS
 Kyrgyz Republic Government announced the formation of the State Licence Committee, which has begun the process of reviewing mining applications and has recently awarded two mining licenses to other applicants Exploration
 Manas’s extensive landholding in the Kyrgyz Republic includes 54 prospects with only six drilled to date for a Resource base of 1.25Moz of gold
 Regional exploration is underway on 6 prospects, including a full regional review and ranking exercise under the guidance of a consultant with extensive experience in Carlin style mineralisation and deposits


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Not a word reported from MSR since the quarterly, but still managed to gap up today and finish on its high.


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 Kyrgyz Republic Government announced the formation of the State Licence Committee, which has begun the process of reviewing mining applications and has recently awarded two mining licenses to other applicants Exploration
 Manas’s extensive landholding in the Kyrgyz Republic includes 54 prospects with only six drilled to date for a Resource base of 1.25Moz of gold

Recently Caspian Oil & Gas annouced that its Kyrgyz oil and gas permits will not be renewed by the State Licence Committee.
A warning to all that sovereign risk is alive and well in some parts of the world.
Recently Caspian Oil & Gas annouced that its Kyrgyz oil and gas permits will not be renewed by the State Licence Committee.
A warning to all that sovereign risk is alive and well in some parts of the world.

MSR are not anticipating any problems in this area, neither did Caspian, i guess!

In order to expedite a mining permit for Shambesai, during the quarter the Company maintained continual
dialogue with the Kyrgyz Republic State Agency for Geology and Natural Resources (SAGNR) and the Kyrgyz
Ministry of Economy and Anti‐Monopoly in regards to the submission of the Shambesai TEO Report (Russian
interpretation for Technological and Economic Justification Study). The report shows a robust economic
evaluation of the Shambesai project and that Manas has delineated sufficient gold reserves to justify the grant of
a mining licence.
On 22 March 2012, the Director of SAGNR, Mr Uchkun Tashbaev, approved the composition of a committee on
licensing of subsoil use, or the State Licensing Committee, on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic Government. This
Committee is responsible for granting all mineral licences and it has commenced that process. Manas is
encouraged by the recent granting of mining permits to Chaarat Gold Holdings Limited and Highland Gold Mining
Ltd, both of which are listed on the London Stock Exchange.
As a result, Manas is confident that the approval of the TEO report and the subsequent granting of a mining
permit for Shambesai will be forthcoming prior to the end of 2012 as the Company has recently noted that Shambesai gold production has been budgeted for by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the 2014
development protocol.

 Approval of the TEO Study (Russian interpretation for Justification of Technical and Economic Conditions) for the Shambesai Gold Project has been received
 TEO approval is the key authorisation required for the commencement of detailed design, permitting, construction and gold production at Shambesai
 Permitting continues with social and environmental studies being conducted for a number of months
 Schedule now in place for construction to commence in 2013; gold production forecast for early 2014
 New Kyrgyz Republic legislation recently enacted to simplify the permitting process for minedevelopment
 Shambesai has a projected net cash flow of US$208M after capital expenditure of US$37M from production of 245,000 ounces of gold at an average grade of 2.8g/t gold over an initial 4 ½‐year mine life (US$1,500 per ounce gold price) with average life‐of‐mine cash costs (C1 costs) of US$411 per ounce
 Debt financing options now being considered
Manas Resources acquires RSG's exploration interests in Cote d'Ivoire covering 6,194km2, including three prospective gold projects.

The terms look quite favourable to MSR with only $1 million paid upon completion of the transaction with a further $4 million payable after 12 months of gold production from one of the projects being acquired.

To fund the upfront payment and working capital for exploration, Manas is raising $3.5 million via the issue of 583,333,333 FPO shares at 0.6c per share. There will also be a 10:1 share capital consolidation reducing the shares on issue from 2,760,273,598 to 276,027,360.

A few quick observations:

1. The ground being acquired looks quite prospective
2. The transaction is only very mildly dillutive with a $1 million up front payment
3. There is always political risk in African countries

Manas Resources acquires RSG's exploration interests in Cote d'Ivoire covering 6,194km2, including three prospective gold projects.

Read the ann this am and thought, meh. Went bazurk (is there a spelling for that) at the open. Lots of punters bought at 0.01 and immediately lost their houses. Still pretty good for the family and friends who bought in last week. Funny game this one.
Read the ann this am and thought, meh. Went bazurk (is there a spelling for that) at the open. Lots of punters bought at 0.01 and immediately lost their houses. Still pretty good for the family and friends who bought in last week. Funny game this one.

Acquisitions like this could turn out to be a company maker, but the reality is that won't be known for many months, if not years. There is a lot of exploration work to be done before the market will have any understanding of what is under the ground at these tenements.

So what you get is an initial spike driven by day traders and then the inevitable sell off. If you were in MSR before today then you would have done well, but buying in on the day of the initial spike, while it does occasionally pay off, is generally a recipe for disaster.

That being said, MSR has held on OK today. It's still at 1c at 3:45pm, which is not bad considering what it closed at yesterday.
Is the ground any good? Or was this an exercise in paying $1 million to create the story to enable a raise of $3.5 million? The various relationships between RSG, PRI, and these guys makes for a bit of head scratching if you're not up to speed. Placement at .6, trading at .9 to 1 cent seems a bit rich when these guys have prospects only and are operating in Africa. Still 7 million cash to spend on drilling with a market cap of 30 or so million in this environment is not bad.

I'll do a little more research on their land holdings to see if this is worth a punt, but I think RSG are a poor company and would prefer to not be involved with a company they 'control'
On August 9th, 2021, Manas Resources Limited (MSR) changed its name and ASX code to Turaco Gold Limited (TCG).
Hello folks
Since renaming ceremony of Manas Resources is any one following TCG ?
The company has no strength to go beyond exploration and there were some interesting announcements .

Some advanced garden drilling

Auger Drilling Returns Over 25g/t Gold at Bouake North, Eburnea Gold Project Highlights  Auger drilling at Bouake North has confirmed high-grade in-situ gold mineralisation associated with widespread gold-in-soil anomalism  Bottom of hole assay results of up to 25.2g/t gold with several >1g/t gold results (refer Appendix One and Figure Two)

Some private investors changing hands.
Interestingly the addresses are is given with PO Box . I thought ASX requires a full residential address and not a proxy address from a deemed investor. I could be wrong on knowledge base. So advance apology for lack of awareness on address issue.

At the same point, Resolute unloaded its chunk of holding. Would that for near future no luck ?

Read the ann this am and thought, meh. Went bazurk (is there a spelling for that) at the open. Lots of punters bought at 0.01 and immediately lost their houses. Still pretty good for the family and friends who bought in last week. Funny game this

I know the query is over a year old but the link is a good read, especially the “theories” section.

Came across TCG while looking for a cheap goldie.
Looks like they have 1 x > 100g-m intersection which is generally a good box to tick.
Sprott is supposed to be involved, I haven’t verified this yet.

But they are down to 2.3 quarters of funding and we all know what that means.

I’ll have another look after the next cap
raising, and see if it is a substantial raise with some decent backers.

I’d prefer an operation in Australia but it’s tough to find one

I know the query is over a year old but the link is a good read, especially the “theories” section.

Came across TCG while looking for a cheap goldie.
Looks like they have 1 x > 100g-m intersection which is generally a good box to tick.
Sprott is supposed to be involved, I haven’t verified this yet.

But they are down to 2.3 quarters of funding and we all know what that means.

I’ll have another look after the next cap
raising, and see if it is a substantial raise with some decent backers.

I’d prefer an operation in Australia but it’s tough to find one
$3.8m cash (31st of Dec)
$25m market cap (3rd of Feb)
@ 5.9 cps (3rd of Feb)

As you said, I also expect a capital raising very soon. I thought 2 years ago they were a little too hyped and if you look at it today - they're much further along on their various projects and the SP is 2/3 of what it was and Resolute has sold off all their shares. I might see how it looks after a raising,

I do have one new concern; I think it was in a RIU or Africa Down Under preso recently that the MD or Chairman actually said they could but were not going to put out a resource because gold sentiment was down and they could/would release a bigger one to benefit shareholders later down the road...or something along those lines... If I were a shareholder and heard that I would be driving into West Perth and politely be knocking on their door and asking WTF. I suppose technically this is perfectly legal, but it seems rather strange to withhold (or not calculate) this information because the market is "down".
Show me a CEO that watches the company shareprice, and I'll show you a company I won't invest in.
Well that just about kills investing in Junior Australian resources! The other thing which I get worried about is when you see a CEO/MD/Chairman talk about their past success on a completely different project. What matters is what is in the ground and how you can prove it up.

It's always interesting watching the investment conference videos. Some things you just can't pick-up from reading reports. I found the video in question - link below @ the 8:10 mark.

"We could put a resource on that today if we wanted to, but we've chosen not to because obviously the gold market at the moment is not favourable" ⚠️

Well that just about kills investing in Junior Australian resources! The other thing which I get worried about is when you see a CEO/MD/Chairman talk about their past success on a completely different project. What matters is what is in the ground and how you can prove it up.

It's always interesting watching the investment conference videos. Some things you just can't pick-up from reading reports. I found the video in question - link below @ the 8:10 mark.

"We could put a resource on that today if we wanted to, but we've chosen not to because obviously the gold market at the moment is not favourable" ⚠️

@The Triangle
Good pick up.

But I suspect what the ceo said is suggesting market manipulation by concealing material information.
Under the duty of disclosure i think, this is a breach under securities act.
It's always interesting watching the investment conference videos. Some things you just can't pick-up from reading reports

I watched a few TCG presentations on the weekend and decided to test the waters.

i've bought 1/2 of what I would like and will leave the other 1/2 till after the next cap raise.
Sold my other African goldie to pay for it.

  • Not their 1st rodeo.
  • 100g-m gold hits
  • Multiple projects showing good results
  • Plenty of drilling, especially for a junior, they are extremely active on the ground.
  • Low MCap - $24m so good leverage to discovery.
  • Cap raising on the horizon
  • see post #36 above regarding resource announcement.
TCG is Presented Nicely to the Wind atm
I have entered her in the Year long 2024 Regatta and the Jan '24 Monthly Race hoping she gets off to a good start

Sailing the TCG-------------One WEEK at a Time-----------------------------------&--------------One DAY at a Time

Salute and Gods' Speed

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