Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

MGX - Mount Gibson Iron

True but look at what it did during the GFC. If Spain faulters it's going to be far worse than that!!

I am not sure what you mean by "falters". If you mean that Spain might leave the Eurozone, that will be a good thing, since it will then be able to devalue its currency and have a better chance of trading itself out of recession. This applies to Greece and Italy also. But I take your point: it's gonna get bloody.
I am not sure what you mean by "falters".

It's too big too bail out the banks would need massive assistance from the sovereigns who would also have issues!! Money printing would just have to go berserk to keep the system functioning.
currently hold this stock. missed the boat. should have sold at February highs. Any advice? :banghead::banghead:

You need to make a call on where you see iron ore prices and therefore China heading. I hold MGX. I expect some softening in China's demand but the iron ore price will likely hold above $120. I intend to buy more MGX once I see the macro picture settle down.
You need to make a call on where you see iron ore prices and therefore China heading. I hold MGX. I expect some softening in China's demand but the iron ore price will likely hold above $120. I intend to buy more MGX once I see the macro picture settle down.

Thanks for your insight.

Also think china is going south:2twocents
MGX made a nice run, offering two good swings.

Today, the second leg up ended, and the break below $1.02 suggested going Short (if you're into that kind of thing.) Short was further confirmed by the break below the volatility band (marked by red/yellow arrow.)

MGX 15-08-12.gif
Yep, Was looking to do that today but got distracted. Hopefully get another chance as we may get one more lunge into ASX risistance, then smack down.
Yep, Was looking to do that today but got distracted. Hopefully get another chance as we may get one more lunge into ASX risistance, then smack down.

You may have to wait, Notting;
according to my crystal ball, tomorrow should see a sharp move down. Index Options are due to expire, and I believe the writers of 4250 Calls will try their darnedest to avoid paying up. Could even be touch'n'go at 4225:

XJO OI Aug 2012 03-08-15.gif
Miners are still in the doldrums :cry:

Yes, its unbelievable, some down 50/60/70% in the past 12 months, quite why they are so on the nose is strange :confused: when the rest of the market is going from strength to strength.

The big stocks like BHP seem to be ok and the species are doing what species do but the smaller to mid size stocks, many like MGX in production and making money are tanking :banghead:
Yes, its unbelievable, some down 50/60/70% in the past 12 months, quite why they are so on the nose is strange :confused: when the rest of the market is going from strength to strength.

The big stocks like BHP seem to be ok and the species are doing what species do but the smaller to mid size stocks, many like MGX in production and making money are tanking :banghead:

Down here MGX is only on a P/E of 4.7 ,seems cheap to me but the market disagrees.
Still a crap load of volume to get through in the 70's and 80c's...bit all over the place on the result but I think it could be good for a dividend run up trade.

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