Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

VectorVest Australia

I will let you make up your own mind on this

VV had Kingsgate as their top stock for many many weeks

It was still rated as a buy yesterday and because of the delay (see above) it opend today as a sell
a full 2 dollars down before they called a sell on it

When i look through the graphs i see daily its a buy buy buy then boom a sell

when i check other stocks it has things like hold hold sell hold sell hold

how canyou hold if you have sold

one stock MML had a sell on it and I held and low and behold its a winner
now its the VV top ramped stock for a few weeks now

tomorrow i will buy a dart board and use my brain

this month I will cancel VV as its not ready for me!!!!!!!!!1

I agree completely I have been with them for 2 years. Sold AAX on Fridayas they put a sell on it Mo day (no update day) it went up approx 20%. Check out Best Charts software . I love it.
VV in Australia is running version 6 of their software which is EOD only

VV USA is running version 7 which is real-time.

VV Aus is promising version 7 soon (September??)

My limited experience is that initially it seems to be giving daily investment advice but actually it's just another source of data to help you make investment decisions.

Unlike Stock Doctor's ratings which are almost entirely on fundamentals, VV also uses technical analysis so that you sometimes see buy recommenations on stocks VV rates as overvalued and sells on undervalued stocks.

Dug up this old thread because I was just reading a leaflet which I received from these guys a month ago. By now they're running Version 7 in AUS which offers real-time price data for an additional cost otherwise there's an intra-day delay of 15 minutes. I know that in the past there have been mixed reviews concerning this product (EOD traders seem to benefit the most from what I've read) but would like to hear the latest thoughts on this product :) Have opinions changed since then?
Dug up this old thread because I was just reading a leaflet which I received from these guys a month ago. By now they're running Version 7 in AUS which offers real-time price data for an additional cost otherwise there's an intra-day delay of 15 minutes. I know that in the past there have been mixed reviews concerning this product (EOD traders seem to benefit the most from what I've read) but would like to hear the latest thoughts on this product :) Have opinions changed since then?

I'm from VV and of course I think it's terrific, however we only have EOD for Australia. It's simply in the VectorVest 7 Platform which has a nicer user interface. Free seminars are run just about every month, so if you can check one out, you'll meet plenty of subscribers there.

I have used Vector Vest: had a lot of trouble over an unauthorised auto-renewal, very hard to get money back though I was not at fault. I did not wish to renew because I found their assessment and valuations too chart-based to be stable. Prefer the stability and fundamentals emphasis of Lincoln, and charting capacity of Market Analyst.

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