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    • galumay
      galumay replied to the thread MMS - McMillan Shakespeare.
      Its complex, $230m of the long term debt is just Bank loans, the rest, $311m is notes payable, secured against the fixed & floating...
    • galumay
      galumay reacted to finicky's post in the thread MMS - McMillan Shakespeare with Like Like.
      Again our great minds concur
    • galumay
      galumay replied to the thread MMS - McMillan Shakespeare.
      I think you are right, its a better quality business, payout ratio is less than 100%, its got pretty good FCF, as you say debt is much...
    • galumay
      galumay reacted to finicky's post in the thread MMS - McMillan Shakespeare with Like Like.
      SIQ might be the better bet? Although not very cheap its debt is moderate. I hold neither Note: Numbers in final column are for Cal...
    • galumay
      galumay replied to the thread PKD - Parkd Ltd.
      I have it on my watchlist from 4C's, its just so tiny, not sure why its listed really! Will be interesting to see what sort of revenue...
    • galumay
      galumay replied to the thread MMS - McMillan Shakespeare.
      Problem is the balance sheet, debt is over 4x equity. Divvy is more than earnings, basically paying divvy with debt.
    • galumay
      galumay reacted to dyna's post in the thread PXA - PEXA Group with Like Like.
      Probably the volatility that attracts the punters and the Insto's as well , I guess . Good for trading . ( Garbage stock , though ! )
    • galumay
      galumay replied to the thread PGH - Pact Group Holdings.
      It looks optically cheap on misleading metrics like P/E, but when you dig into the financials, its the same old problem with PGH. Debt...
    • galumay
      galumay replied to the thread Coffee price.
      Increased coffee prices have finally started to flow thru to wholesale prices in Australia, while the increase in coffee price plays a...
    • galumay
      galumay replied to the thread PXA - PEXA Group.
      Whats the attraction with PXA? Only made a small profit once, otherwise loss making, cash burning, mismanaged, disastrous expansion into...
    • galumay
      galumay replied to the thread CXZ - Connexion Mobility.
      Probably a few things, increased value due to share buybacks, a growing track record of disciplined capital allocation by the board, a...
    • galumay
      galumay replied to the thread XF1 - Xref Limited.
      Not sure I would put Thorney in that category! I definitely dont see it as an opportunity to enter, they will have to raise capital...
    • galumay
      galumay reacted to divs4ever's post in the thread XF1 - Xref Limited with Like Like.
      now my dilemma is .... is this an opportunity to finally enter this company ( i do not hold this share , nor have an order currently...
    • galumay
      galumay replied to the thread XF1 - Xref Limited.
      Indeed, poor old Harvest Lane, the only thing that could bring their arb play undone was a group of shareholders prepared to shoot their...
    • galumay
      galumay reacted to Dona Ferentes's post in the thread XF1 - Xref Limited with Like Like.
      fun n games Alex Waislitz has swooped on ASX-listed workplace software firm Xref a day after helping scupper a $41 million buyout of...
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