Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


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    • peter2
      peter2 reacted to Skate's post in the thread Dump it Here with Like Like.
      The Signal Generator Trading System This hypothetical trading exercise focuses on trading 10 large ASX companies, chosen from a...
    • peter2
      peter2 reacted to TimeISmoney's post in the thread Dump it Here with Like Like.
      My Trading code is in my head for now, I manually read charts and trade. I think when you start using automated systems it...
    • peter2
      peter2 reacted to Skate's post in the thread Dump it Here with Like Like.
      In Summary While TradingView offers powerful tools for developing trading strategies, mastering them has been challenging for me...
    • peter2
      peter2 replied to the thread RED - Red 5 Limited.
      July 2024 update : Jun Qrtly results not reported yet but preliminary results reported earlier. Capital reconstruction after the...
    • peter2
      July 2024 update : Spot uranium prices still drifting lower, now $80/lb. Most uranium stock prices also falling in sync with spot...
      • urnm2.PNG
    • peter2
      peter2 replied to the thread 29M - 29Metals Limited.
      July 2024 update: From their Qrtly report. Record copper production at Golden Grove after the flood restart. Their second mine...
    • peter2
      peter2 reacted to debtfree's post in the thread Full CY 2024 Stock Tipping Competition with Like Like.
      Weekend Update ..... First of all a big thanks once again for all the company updates for this month so far. 16% has been knocked off...
    • peter2
      peter2 replied to the thread A1M - AIC Mines.
      Totally agree with you there @greggles. Currently the POC is US$4.1/lb approx A$6.00/lb. A1M doesn't have much of a margin without...
    • peter2
      A1M thanks Joe. It's only a matter of time for this little copper stock.
    • peter2
      Hey, hang on a moment! What's been going on? I've been trading the US like a maestro and this happens at home!
      • a1m2.PNG
    • peter2
      peter2 replied to the thread Copper.
      Do you see what I see? Heh heh. Bought a soupcon of COPX tonight at the low.
      • cop1.PNG
    • peter2
      peter2 replied to the thread Copper.
      Bear? :eek: I'm holding A1M, CSC, MAC, SFR totaling 25% of portfolio. I'll add to these when they rally next. Looking at COPX (add on)...
    • peter2
      peter2 replied to the thread Copper.
      The tough times continue for Dr Copper. The Dr is not seeing many Chinese patients and it looks like the Dr may have caught Covid...
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    • peter2
      peter2 replied to the thread PLS - Pilbara Minerals.
      PLS is still profitable at these low lithium prices and mgt working on reducing costs while sitting on a billion cash. PLS can survive...
    • peter2
      peter2 reacted to Sean K's post in the thread BGL - Belleview Gold with Wow Wow.
      How can we trust any of these companies?
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