Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

AUST - BetaShares Managed Risk Australian Share Fund (managed fund)

20 July 2021
just caught my eye ( so have done only trivial research )

Fund Objective​

The fund will invest the assets of the Fund in a broadly diversified share portfolio, generally consisting of approximately 200 of the largest equity securities listed on the ASX, weighted by their market capitalization and rebalanced quarterly and selling ASX SPI 200 futures contracts to manage volatility and cushion downside risk.

Management Cost 0.39%

Total Holdings 201

Distinct Portfolio Yes

Portfolio Turnover 7.60%

BHPBHP Group Ltd10.68%
CBACommonwealth Bank of Australia8.53%
CSLCSL Ltd6.70%
NABNational Australia Bank Ltd4.64%
WBCWestpac Banking Corp3.86%
ANZAustralia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd3.43%
WDSWoodside Energy Group Ltd3.28%
MQGMacquarie Group Ltd3.01%
WESWesfarmers Ltd2.55%
TLSTelstra Group Ltd2.13%

Div. Frequency Semi-Annually


is the futures hedging worth the offset of the higher fees , on what is essentially a to 200 index fund ?
It's been around for at least five years and hasn't done fabulously well from what I have been told.

Betashares seems to be in competition with itself a lot of the time with many tiddlers having very low FUM but high MERs.
It's been around for at least five years and hasn't done fabulously well from what I have been told.

Betashares seems to be in competition with itself a lot of the time with many tiddlers having very low FUM but high MERs.
Betashares do seem to like quirky niches ( and sometimes so do i )

i wonder if one or two bigger clients specifically ask for such a fund , and Betashares fills that desire and picks up a few retail clients as well later

personally i would prefer GEAR over this one ( i hold neither ) but somebody has seen a benefit , maybe an institution ( like for instance a Super fund )