Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Internet Filtering: Australia heads further towards totalitarianism

I just got an email about a petition against internet censorship in Australia that the EFA (Electronic Frontiers Australia) are running, and it will be submitted to parliament. You can sign it online at and you must use your real name and postcode but you can select a checkbox so that your name does not appear on the website.
Re: Internet Censorship In Australia

I cannot wait for this 'nanny state', bureaucrat led rabble to be voted out. Conroy and his web censorship, while well intentioned, is punishing the many for the inhumanity of the few. Why is this a viable model of governance given the attack on the liberalism that separates us from the rogue states?

Protect our freedom before it is gone.

From The Age web-site:
Re: Internet Censorship In Australia

I cannot wait for this 'nanny state', bureaucrat led rabble to be voted out. Conroy and his web censorship, while well intentioned, is punishing the many for the inhumanity of the few. Why is this a viable model of governance given the attack on the liberalism that separates us from the rogue states?

Protect our freedom before it is gone.

From The Age web-site:

Boggo the guy is a scumbag. That is obvious after reading that link. He needs to be shipped back to England where he can inform them to burn Orwell's literature. He needs to get a real job, sweat, get his hands dirty (not in the same context as GG mentioned last night) and pay taxes like the ordinary folk he claims he represents.
So assuming that krudd and his comrades go through with this plan to censor to the intermanet, how would those of us who aren't currently hugely tech savvy go about bypassing these filters:confused:

Many thanks in advance

(a lover of small booby wimin in "adult fillums")
Have a long hard think about why the government wants to censor the internet, obviously there are some bad people doing some bad stuff, and I agree that something needs to be done to stop it - but I dont think this is the way.

All this will do is drive the criminals further under ground, therefore they will be less likely to get caught. Everybody knows that any system can be cracked and this system will be no different.

If i was the government I would spend the money on EDUCATION about the internet - educate PARENTS about the dangers of the internet. EDUCATE the children about the dangers of the internet and what is and isnt appropriate. You would get a far better result doing this than trying to run a Hitler Communist style type regime.

Dont even start me on the freedom of speach bit..
So assuming that krudd and his comrades go through with this plan to censor to the intermanet, how would those of us who aren't currently hugely tech savvy go about bypassing these filters:confused:

Many thanks in advance

(a lover of small booby wimin in "adult fillums")
An off shore proxy would be a good start or VPS. Then again most of the bad stuff is not transferred via internet sites but rather P2P so you will just have to find a network of fellow liked minded gents. Act like a criminal in other words.

Dont even start me on the freedom of speech bit..

I cannot believe the lack of debate about this. The friggin journo's and media have not even made a whipper about it. Sad, sad, sad times!!
An off shore proxy would be a good start or VPS. Then again most of the bad stuff is not transferred via internet sites but rather P2P so you will just have to find a network of fellow liked minded gents. Act like a criminal in other words.

Exactly. 99% of the stuff they're trying to filter won't be caught by the filter. $126 million down the drain.

I cannot believe the lack of debate about this. The friggin journo's and media have not even made a whipper about it. Sad, sad, sad times!!

Most of the debate on "popular" media sites gets drowned out by the "who's looking after the children" whackos, blissfully unaware that the filter does nothing to protect the kids.
Freedome of information / speech is not an issue YET, but if they bring the filter in it could be. For example did anyone notice Labor in SA were going to bring a law in so that is anyone made comment on the current government they had to leave there name and post code BY LAW otherwise they could be prosecuted or fined up to $5k. Well they backed down pretty quickly and was a big embarassement, but what happens when the current government decides to filter out other 'political websites' that THEY deems to be illegal content. Why should the government get to decide what I can and cant see in a political sense?

pr0n is just an excuse for the government to try and take more control on the information people are getting - unfortunatly most people over 50 dont understand the internet and think a filter is a great idea. ...:eek:
An off shore proxy would be a good start or VPS. Then again most of the bad stuff is not transferred via internet sites but rather P2P so you will just have to find a network of fellow liked minded gents. Act like a criminal in other words.

Cheers. Surely our communist overlords know this will be done though. Basically this will only filter out content to the people that wouldn't go looking for it in the first place:(

I cannot believe the lack of debate about this. The friggin journo's and media have not even made a whipper about it. Sad, sad, sad times!!

Cheers. Surely our communist overlords know this will be done though. Basically this will only filter out content to the people that wouldn't go looking for it in the first place:(

It's a perfect way for the Govt. to appear to be doing something, much in the same way that the Grocery watch website and fuel watch "appeared" to be doing something. Mum and Dad voter are petrified of all the nasty stuff on the internet in the same way that they're fearful of rising fuel and grocery prices.... but don't worry, the Govt. will fix it all for us... most people wont understand that it's technically flawed other than a few geeks.

As TH said, Sad,Sad,Sad.....
I cannot believe the lack of debate about this. The friggin journo's and media have not even made a whipper about it. Sad, sad, sad times!!
Yes sad, it's almost like they are complicit in the whole thing. There was virtually no coverage of the DDoS attacks on the Aust govt websites by Anonymous as part of their Operation Titstorm. Surely this is newsworthy. Why the silence?
Of course there is now the very real chance that ASF will go onto the black list as I have posted info about getting around it.

And of course we will never know why because there is no way to check what is on it and why.

You may have to look at removing my post.

I cannot believe the lack of debate about this. The friggin journo's and media have not even made a whipper about it. Sad, sad, sad times!!

I wanted to email Conroy, but could not get his email addy from his website??.

Apparently his website and email is under sustained hacker attack and the intraweb was bought down. The majority of the spam is pr0n, according to his office staffer.:p:

I am 100% against this censorship...although as a father of teenage sons, I must admit de-porning the portable hard drive that had been shared around their mates, was a very alarming experience indeed:eek:
I am 100% against this censorship...although as a father of teenage sons, I must admit de-porning the portable hard drive that had been shared around their mates, was a very alarming experience indeed:eek:

Fair enough. But do you think this filter will make that less likely?

My bet is that it will not have a chance at stopping young kids looking at pr0n. Even more seriously someone in my immediate family who I recently spoke to who has young kids (8 - 14) thinks that the internet will be "safer" because of it!

Safer :eek: WTF!!
I have three young kids in the house (0 to 8 years) and a government-run internet filter gives me no comfort. It will be bungled by the bureacrats. Read the news today on any number of government run debacles.
Freedome of information / speech is not an issue YET, but if they bring the filter in it could be. For example did anyone notice Labor in SA were going to bring a law in so that is anyone made comment on the current government they had to leave there name and post code BY LAW otherwise they could be prosecuted or fined up to $5k. Well they backed down pretty quickly and was a big embarassement, but what happens when the current government decides to filter out other 'political websites' that THEY deems to be illegal content. Why should the government get to decide what I can and cant see in a political sense?

pr0n is just an excuse for the government to try and take more control on the information people are getting - unfortunatly most people over 50 dont understand the internet and think a filter is a great idea. ...:eek:

Goverment policy is....
"Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it." ”” Mark Twain
Fair enough. But do you think this filter will make that less likely?

My bet is that it will not have a chance at stopping young kids looking at pr0n. Even more seriously someone in my immediate family who I recently spoke to who has young kids (8 - 14) thinks that the internet will be "safer" because of it!

Safer :eek: WTF!!

A lot of people could care less about their rights and accept any dribble given to them in the media.

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