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That's all very well I Focus. But where is the balance ? Surely there must be someone who served under Trump who  can shine a light on his personal skills,  political insight and strategic genius ?  Surely...

After all it is impossible to believe that all the current Republicans in Congress and The Senate would support such a seriously unfit person to be given unlimited power as President of the United States.

And what is the source please ? I can't imagine you have kept a running tally of this people.

In any case that was then and in Trumps next administration one can be far more confident that no one will  ever dispute anything the President says, does, thinks about saying or "would like to happen if someone could just do it NOW"


Found the source.  Clearly totally unreliable. :laugh:

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           There is a long list of one-time allies and aides who have either turned against former President Donald Trump or whom he has turned against.

           No person in US politics – certainly no recent president – has such an expansive list of high-profile allies turned enemies.

           His longest-serving White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, delivered an incredible rebuke of Trump’s personality and leadership in an on-the-record statement to CNN’s Jake Tapper.


           Given that Trump is the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2024 and simultaneously facing multiple criminal cases, both the campaign and the court proceedings could prompt additional people to speak out.

           What’s below is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but rather a catalog of the most notable turns by former aides and top officials whom Trump at one point chose to work for him at the White House. Some are now actively working against him. Three are running against him in the presidential primary. Others have stayed relatively quiet after resigning in protest. The link at each name includes more context.
