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2. Their morals, their code—it’s a bad joke

I can relate to all these sentiments. Almost more than I’d like to admit.

When it comes to the idea that Democrats should fight harder, take a few cheap shots, kick the Republicans in the balls when they aren’t looking, sign me up. I’m down for that. As for the rest, well, I have told several people lately that I am concerned this election will be my Joker origin story.

But I keep pulling myself back from the brink—I think, in part, because I’ve seen how the nihilism infected my Republican friends. That cold, hard-heartedness is an ugly thing. I’ve seen the result of the LOL Nothing Matters ethos at scale, up close, and the result is horrifying.

This mindset doesn’t just corrupt people. It destroys their souls.

Don’t believe me? Just watch Rick Scott:

Turning into that is a fate best avoided, for all of us. We all of us have to summon the strength to resist the call of the nihilists.

Can I be corny for a second? I mean really corny. Dad corny. Like roll-your-eyes-so-far-back-in-your-head-that-they-get-stuck-there corny.

Because here it comes.

There is one thing that does matter in this life. And it’s the only thing you actually control: Acting in accordance with your own integrity. In a way that lets you feel good about yourself.

That’s it. Everything else out there? It’s chance. Luck. Atoms colliding.

All you can do is make choices that align with the person you want to be in the world. And periodically do a little self-examination to ensure you are doing right by yourself.

Sometimes it’s really hard. Painful, even. And you won’t always get it right. We all fail. We have blind spots. Temptations. Pride. We convince ourselves that something we want is actually something that is right for us.

That’s okay. As long as you are still keeping tabs and trying to become the best version of yourself.

So, in short, what matters is you.1 Your choices. Your integrity.

The rest of this politics stuff, yeah, it matters too. Of course it does: Lives will be upended. Good people will suffer. Undeserving people will reap unimaginable rewards.

But that’s all out of our hands now.

You can’t make Donald Trump not president. Can’t make your neighbors nicer. You can’t make them care more about the rape cabinet the president is assembling. You can’t make them value democracy or Haitian refugees or climate or reproductive rights or whatever else it may be that’s keeping you up at night over their own interests.

That’s all in the books already.

All that’s left is living your values, so that hopefully, one day, you will feel good about playing a small role in whatever movement emerges to stop the current menace. Or, if that’s not in the cards (and why would it be?), at least you will know that you retained your honor as our nation succumbed to kakistocracy.

Not great. But better than the alternative.

Because that other path? The one that sounds so good in our lizard brain. Where we stop giving a duck about corny **** like “acting in accordance with our integrity” and decide its time to laugh as the world burns? The path where we all decide that Donald Trump was right about rules and norms and values being for suckers? That’s a dark and scary path indeed.

And if somehow we eventually manage to extricate ourselves from this current predicament, I’m not interested in a sequel with a mango monster of our own making.

So I want to leave you with this.

I’m trying real hard to live a life that is fulfilling and meaningful, where I grow and if I falter I get up again. One where I examine my own actions and choices and take them seriously. Where they matter, if not to anyone else, at least to me.

I refuse to let Donald Trump take that away from me.

And you shouldn’t let him take your integrity from you either.

Because if you do, his final victory won’t be 11/5/24 or when he’s elected again as Lara’s VP in 2028. His final victory will be over you.

It might be cold comfort at this moment. It sure is for me. But that doesn’t make it any less true. At this point Donald Trump has conquered the world. But your soul is the one thing that he can’t have . . . unless you give it to him.

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