Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

So why does he educate.

My opinion is --- from knowing the guy----

(1) How much golf can you play (And he's not getting better!---or younger--latest excuse!).
(2) How much fishing can you do without a commercial licence!
(3) Like a lot of Successful traders Nick loves the challenge of not only the markets but the challenge of Business. He wants others to be successful as he knows what success can do to peoples life and life styles. He is an expert in his field so I cant see where it DOESN'T make sense to make that your line of Business. It fills in the void that successful trading leaves. It gives BOTH Nick and Trish a common interest and challenge with satisfaction of being successful in teaching your clients something they will have for life ---while answering your own challenge of business success. (Business --another profession which holds that 90% Fail tag).

I hear it loud and clear but my chosen field is Civil Construction and my Challenge is Trading!

I'd be shocked if less than 85% of his income came from selling trading related services as opposed to actual trading.
Not sure to whom this question is directed!

kennas had a major blow up with Radge......never moved on by the sounds of it keeps having a shot at him like I do at Abbott big difference between the two IMHO:rolleyes:.
IIRC correctly his ASX systems at least have not done that well over the past few years so presumably his income from them would be pretty miserly.

He posted a chart of his Growth or Power portfolio, forgot which one on the Chartist FB page a while ago I can't find it now. It was in a drawdown for more than a year. It will be very very difficult for any subscriber to keep on paying & follow someone else's system for that long period of time. Most subscribers probably won't be around when/if the system overcomes the drawdown.

All system providers should have a rule of no subscription fee for losing period. Something like a lot of systems on Collective2, $xx only if profitable for the month.

I have also searched for Radge's performance and could not find much, although he claims to have run a hedge fund in the past and used to have systems performance ran on Collective2 that are now removed.

On the bright side he is only charging $660 for each systems codes..unlike a lot of others for $3000+
IIRC correctly his ASX systems at least have not done that well over the past few years so presumably his income from them would be pretty miserly.

His US method has been extraordinary.
I'm sure he trades more than as well as the publicly available methods.

Question to all.
Is there 1 ( or more ) well accepted educator anywhere in the world.
It seems to me that the general population believes every educator is
A waste of time and money.

Yet people will pay 100,000 to become a doctor.
Or $50,000 to become a pilot.
It appears that any money invested in learning how to trade
Or taking a short cut and hiring an expert to point you in the
Right direction ( like hiring a pilot ) is a waste of money.
He posted a chart of his Growth or Power portfolio, forgot which one on the Chartist FB page a while ago I can't find it now. It was in a drawdown for more than a year. It will be very very difficult for any subscriber to keep on paying & follow someone else's system for that long period of time. Most subscribers probably won't be around when/if the system overcomes the drawdown.

All system providers should have a rule of no subscription fee for losing period. Something like a lot of systems on Collective2, $xx only if profitable for the month.

I speculate that his subscription income has fallen significantly. The email and online advertising has skyrocketed in the past 12 months.

It seems to me that the general population believes every educator is a waste of time and money.

This is what I think. The old adage: If they were that good they wouldn't need to sell their own systems. But I'm a skeptic :rolleyes:
Question to all.
Is there 1 ( or more ) well accepted educator anywhere in the world.
It seems to me that the general population believes every educator is
A waste of time and money.
Not one in particular. I think a lot of the stuff has been said and done before in a general sense. I know I repeat on this forum what I have read. Using computers for neural networks or machine learning appears to be an interesting path to explore.
Simple trend following works okay and in the right conditions works exceptionally well.

Enjoy your discussions mate. :)
I speculate that his subscription income has fallen significantly. The email and online advertising has skyrocketed in the past 12 months.

Complacency in advertising is a bad error in business. Woolies are expanding all the time so to are Coles
Don't see them pulling back.
When your a small business the exciting thing is that 99% of the population have no idea who you are
So get your name out there.
Increased advertising doesn't mean a thing other than your getting yourself out there.

This is what I think. The old adage: If they were that good they wouldn't need to sell their own systems. But I'm a skeptic :rolleyes:

I often see this argument.
So if your a leading brain surgeon you shouldn't teach what you do.
Or Heart Transplant surgery---if your that good why teach it.

Finance is the only industry I know of which absolutely shuns education.
You can't teach it because you shouldn't have to.
You can't present it to forums because you are just pumping your ego.
You shouldn't invest in it because you'll just get ripped off.

So your left to self educate.
Most find this the most expensive education of all.

So what do you suggest.
How have you become a profitable trader---I'm presuming you are!
All system providers should have a rule of no subscription fee for losing period. Something like a lot of systems on Collective2, $xx only if profitable for the month.

That's ridiculous.
What? And charge more if you have a period that performs above the historical system average? I guess that would be fair.

In my opinion: A subscription fee should be a fairly small percentage of your portfolio, and it's a cost you choose to pay for information - no different to buying a "charting" program, a subscription to Australian Financial Review or whatever. You wouldn't hit your data supplier up for the fact that you had a losing period whilst using their price feed? Being upset about it suggests to me that maybe someone has overextended themselves.

Of course, the model of no pay if losing and pay extra if winning can be fair (as mentioned above) and of course, is how some funds operate (fee for performance type model).

In my long as the service is honest and tells you what information you are going to get...and then gives it to you (at the agreed on price) can't complain. No more than you can complain to the AFR for losses when they post on the front page that the market has crashed overnight.

Like in any market that exists; sadly their are the sellers that are dishonest - but that's a different issue.

An honest system provider gives you the information they said they would give, upon signing up. That's it.
His US method has been extraordinary.

synonyms: remarkable, exceptional, amazing, astonishing, astounding, sensational, stunning, incredible, unbelievable, phenomenal; striking, outstanding, momentous, impressive, singular, memorable.

A strong word to use Tech, has it beaten the index since inception?
synonyms: remarkable, exceptional, amazing, astonishing, astounding, sensational, stunning, incredible, unbelievable, phenomenal; striking, outstanding, momentous, impressive, singular, memorable.

A strong word to use Tech, has it beaten the index since inception?

I believe so.
I don't know monthly results
But on a few occasions I remember Nick commenting on how well it was going with double digit returns
I remember thinking at the Time that it was extraordinary ,excellent, well above average,impressive.
It's a short term method which is very active in the market.
you get the trades emailed or " The chartist " can for a fee handle your trades.
Thats about all I know.

We hardly ever talk trading!
Finance is the only industry I know of which absolutely shuns education.

Unfortunately a result of the shonky operators out there flooding this game. My cousin lost everything to one of these guys. I guess that's where my skepticism comes in.

So your left to self educate.

To a large extent, yes.

So what do you suggest.
How have you become a profitable trader---I'm presuming you are!

Original ideas, think counter-intuitively, understand what drives price action. Perhaps take an existing idea and make enough transformations/improvements to really make it your own.

I have my ideas on how to be profitable and they're pretty different (and not up for discussion) but hey, I'm sure there are literally thousands of ways to drag profits from the game. And yes, your presumption is correct; I'd better be careful here, kennas might want to see audited statements :p:


Back to the WTT system. I have coded it, it works on ASX and US data, it's not something I would trade because it doesn't meet my objectives. If low maintenance trend following is your thing it's probably worth a look. Do your own validation, it only costs US$9.53 to buy the idea, or free if your clever enough... Code it, validate it and do it (I think that's roughly what Nick says!).
That's ridiculous.
What? And charge more if you have a period that performs above the historical system average? I guess that would be fair.

In my opinion: A subscription fee should be a fairly small percentage of your portfolio, and it's a cost you choose to pay for information - no different to buying a "charting" program, a subscription to Australian Financial Review or whatever. You wouldn't hit your data supplier up for the fact that you had a losing period whilst using their price feed? Being upset about it suggests to me that maybe someone has overextended themselves.

Of course, the model of no pay if losing and pay extra if winning can be fair (as mentioned above) and of course, is how some funds operate (fee for performance type model).

In my long as the service is honest and tells you what information you are going to get...and then gives it to you (at the agreed on price) can't complain. No more than you can complain to the AFR for losses when they post on the front page that the market has crashed overnight.

Like in any market that exists; sadly their are the sellers that are dishonest - but that's a different issue.

An honest system provider gives you the information they said they would give, upon signing up. That's it.

Comparing a news and chart provider to a signal provider...seriously ??

If you ran a cherry picking farm would you pay the same money to

1. A guy who turns in 5 buckets a day.
2. A guy who turns in 0 buckets a day, but not only that, he interferes with other workers and reduces 2 buckets picked by other guy.

Or would you change it to a $/per bucket turned in ?

Same as paying for a losing period. But according to your mentality, the guy no. 2, did what he promised to do, TRIED to pick cherries. Like a system which goes into a long period of drawdown, it TRIED to give you information that made money, but it didn't work.

I guess you're the type that invests in mutual funds instead of hedge funds.
I was subscribed to thechartist US Power setup..., last year it returned something like 40%+ return... Last time i had access to the website it was back in feb/march this year and at that time all profit from last year was gone. I dont know what profit they are in now or what loss.

The ASX power setup was a sh!tbox in terms of return complete rubbish, dont know who would pay for that junk guess that is the reason why he has none stop google ads which are not cheap.

Anyone that has access to US Power setups can you post how its doing this year since feb/march after giving back all profits from last year?
Comparing a news and chart provider to a signal provider...seriously ??

If you ran a cherry picking farm would you pay the same money to

1. A guy who turns in 5 buckets a day.
2. A guy who turns in 0 buckets a day, but not only that, he interferes with other workers and reduces 2 buckets picked by other guy.

Or would you change it to a $/per bucket turned in ?

Same as paying for a losing period. But according to your mentality, the guy no. 2, did what he promised to do, TRIED to pick cherries. Like a system which goes into a long period of drawdown, it TRIED to give you information that made money, but it didn't work.

...You managed to miss my point. I also compared it to managed funds (in performance fees - using YOUR example of not paying whilst in drawdown; I simply queried whether you think you should pay more when the system OUTperforms?)

Look - you missed it. What I am saying is - in my opinion - you buy a system. For $10, $100 or $1000. You like the system. You like its stats etc. And YOU decide to trade it. Do you owe the system provider any of your profits? Do they owe you a refund because the system went into drawdown? Are you seriously suggesting they do?

So - assuming (and that's a big assumption) you agree with me in buying a "one off" does that differ to a "signal provider?" If you like the newsletter's philosophy and disclosed stats etc enough to use it - that's your choice. That's my opinion. It's your choice whether to keep going or not in a drawdown. Again - does the vendor owe you anything? Do you owe them anything?

Of course- there's nothing to stop a vendor offering the money back - that's their business choice.

I guess you're the type that invests in mutual funds instead of hedge funds.

...I only invest in one fund, and I'm the investment manager.
I've had some experience with Nick on a business level and it was all good.

I've also seen Nick's actions on a personal level and I will say this, he has helped a very young man facing very significant adversities. Nick has donated his time, money and efforts to this person without asking anything in return. I will always hold Nick in a very high regard and will always believe money is not his sole objective in life. I found him to be someone who genuinely cares about your success in life, not just in investing.

He is, without a doubt, an educator, not someone just after your money.
Yet people will pay 100,000 to become a doctor.
Or $50,000 to become a pilot.
Both educational programs being run by accredited organisations and with qualifying examinations and physical checks all along the way.
Doesn't really seem like a practical analogy to me, though I understand the point you're trying to make.

So you're left to self educate.
And nothing wrong with that. Unlike medicine or aviation, all the necessary information is available for free on the internet. Anyone with a reasonable comprehension capacity can become financially literate.
The same cannot be said of someone wishing to become a doctor or a pilot.

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