Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ODY - Odyssey Gold

ODY absolutely decimated today.
I still have some of these, but the way its going the parcel will become unsaleable size.
Was looking at them today and reread the Mar Qtrly. Think I need a hit with one of my resource specs before I get adventurous again. Long dry spell.
Was looking at them today and reread the Mar Qtrly. Think I need a hit with one of my resource specs before I get adventurous again. Long dry spell.
Trying to find something positive out of this dog.
The quarterly report that @finicky mentioned says a lot about the amount of potential, but with only 2.9 mill in the banks as at the end of the quarter, they are not going to be able to do much.
There are going to be plenty more cash raisings for this one before we get something concrete like a PFS.
Thought some of the more speccy juniors like ODY might have taken off before this in the current gold run.
Does not look like it.
Yes it's the problem with all these speccies: a good story counterpointed by them chewing up your equity as the price delines, the more so in pessimistic times.
I have chosen ODY for the October comp.
Mainly cos its a an unloved small goldie that will rocket when the outside world finds out that I have chosen it.
ODY quarterly out.
The most noticeable thing about this one is the company has admitted to having discussions with its near neighbours about processing their ore at nearby plants.
They reckon they have two years of cash left, but that can change quite quickly.


ODY drilling confirms the extension of the Higway zone with more good intercepts.
The zone appears to continue at depth and along the strike.
lHowever, the problem is these new ones are narrow and spaced apart.
How much dirt will be needed to be moved to get at this gold?

My goldie specs are down today (BC8, NXM, BMR) so at least there's that - ODY up, but on only 100,000 volume. I don't see the results as exciting but ODY shareholders are at least holding today.

Not Held
I have selected ODY as my entry in the March comp.
Its cheap, and this might be the month another player takes it out.