Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

OLY - Olympio Metals

low profile .. name came up recently.

Wesfarmers purchases 65% of Ora Banda Mining’s Davyhurst lithium rights in farm-in deal
Davyhurst is adjacent to Olympio’s Mulwarrie lithium project, which is subject to farm-in agreement with Liontown Resources
market cap $9mill, cash at end Sept $3.5mill.

..a few projects, Mulwarrie not featuring much

for the three months ended 30 Sept 2023
• Acquisition of the Cadillac Lithium Project from TSX-V listed Vision Lithium Inc
• Rock chip samples from maiden exploration at Cadillac have returned exceptional lithium grades up to 7.43% Li2O, including:
- 7.43% Li2O (X448163) 5.81% Li2O (X448164)
- 6.29% Li2O (X448161) 2.81% Li2O (X448159)
- 6.24% Li2O (X448158) 2.37% Li2O (X448165)
• Over 400 pegmatite bodies have been interpreted at Cadillac from recently acquired detailed LiDAR and heli-magnetic survey data

• Aircore drilling has returned widespread significant Rare Earth Elements grades at Eurelia, South Australia, over a 10km strike length, with shallow intercepts including:
- 9m @ 1,189 ppm TREO (16% NdPr) from 2m
- 4m @ 1,819 ppm TREO (22% NdPr) from 5m
- 4m @ 1,656 ppm TREO (26% NdPr) from 9m
- 2m @ 3,288 ppm TREO (26% NdPr) from 26m
since IPO
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