Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Bought this penny stock on 4 Feb 2021 at 0.029 and sold at 0.065 on 12 Feb, with a return of 121%!! How far the stock will go high?
Congratulations. I reckon you did the right thing to get a huge profit. It is always hind sight if the stock dived down since you sold or decided not to sell . Today's 37 percent rise could be frustrating but no one has a crystal ball.
So once again, congratulations
I could come a cropper with this one as this sector, in general, has tumbled in the last month though admittedly there are a few Canadian enterprises still doing well. So far I'm down about 25% and considering buying more at this much lower price. Am I dithering too much or doing a masterly inactive move - probably the former.
After a great start to 2021, it's been an agonising six months for MXC shareholders. But some good news in the last couple of weeks has stopped the slow, steady share price decline in its tracks.

26 August: MGC Pharma executes binding US$24 million supply and distribution agreement for first product launch into the USA
2 September: CimetrATM import approval granted in India for Emergency Use Authorisation registration

Sentiment looks like it's starting to turn at last.

Good afternoon
Looks like this little baby nearly fell outta the cot... but was caught just in a nic of time... and carried for months... again ...

In August 2023, MXC Share Purchase Plan (SPP) issue received a total of A$834,000 in eligible applications. Closely following on from this MXC recently secured US 7.9 Million in 'firm commitments'; the minimum amount required to fund MGC Pharma’s full business plan over the next 12-month period, that is focused on the IND applications of CimetrA and CannEpil in the USA; moreover, in yet another fund raising exercise a further US $500 000 to pay for marketing costs and legal fees. They musta short changed themselves with the 7.9 million .... maybe...

See attached announcements.
So, all cashed up for 12 months, company script had been written, until next time.

Have a very nice week.
EDIT: Not holding

Kind regards


  • MGC-Secures-US$79-Million-in-Firm-Commitments.PDF
    270.3 KB · Views: 13
  • Company-Update--Capital-Raising.PDF
    252.5 KB · Views: 6
  • Share-Purchase-Plan-Closed.PDF
    227.1 KB · Views: 10
On April 3rd, 2024, MGC Pharmaceuticals Limited (MXC) changed its name and ASX code to Argent Biopharma Limited (RGT).