Sure why not? It doesn't stop us [the newsletter writers] from taking positions. It simply provides an alternative income stream, and assuming we are correct, bragging rights.
But more importantly, what might the prospective subscriber gain? Over time I suggest that they will learn how to analyse the market, how to trade trends, which is not as easy as one might imagine, and learn to spot major inflection points, in short, an education.
In addition, if they are trading the signals, they will make a profit. So an education and profits, seems fair for $400/year. Of course, if they are unhappy, many will provide a pro-rata refund, or simply subscribe for short introductory periods of time.
jog on
Of the subscription services I subscribed to only one of them provided proof that they traded on their own signals but even then it was clear they only traded signals on one of their portfolios (out of about 6). It also seemed very likely that the vast bulk of their income was derived from subscription payments. In the account for the one portfolio they traded there was (from memory) slightly over $100,000 in the account.