Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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My Appologies Bas, is it is the USA,

The data from Australia is similar.

As can be seen from the stats below,  the top half of the population by income pay 98% of the tax.

Source Morning Star


The data is old at 2015, but  the  data supplied by [USER=28038]@sptrawler[/USER] at 2022 is similar, but the breakup is in quintiles rather than deciles, and I could not validly extract Deciles from that data.

The bottom line is, as time goes on, inflation in income, together with bracket creep pushes the percentage of the top 50%  tax  higher.

And as been noted many times, the increase in income of the top 50% is always greater than the bottom 50%.

It is entirely possible that we could reach a situation where the bottom 50% pay no tax at all.

