Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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I would be looking at the other side.

1/What savings could be made in expenditure not productive for the economy as a whole. How many government departments could actually be deleted all together as we have seen with Javier Melei? Afuera!!

2/How much does the tax system cost to administer and can there be efficiencies made there. IOW, are there aspects of taxation which betray the law of diminishing returns, ie cost more than they collect?

3/Are there isaspects of enforcement which are uneconomic. IOW it costs more in enforcement than it actually collects..

4/Taxation is an impost on economic growth, a simpler, less aggressive tax system would encourage enterprise and GDP growth and ultimately an increase in tax receipts. This has been shown time and time again.

Looking for ways to increase the taxation base from a shrinking economy will exacerbate that shrinkage and Australia is well on the path towards that, especially with the current WEF inspired "stakeholder capitalism"/corporateism / socialism ideology.
