Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Which investment newsletter is good?


I have been following lance spicers work for 12 years

Do a search for trident press if ya want to find his stuff

All he does is tells you what hes trading and why - its not recommendations as such.

What I have found very annoying is that its hard to keep track with him. the upates were few and far between.

I understand he has just changed to weekly updates

He sets strick stop losses at 8% - and I have always had trouble keeping within this range when i only get to look at the market and trade for 10 mins a day. So if a stock gaps down, like some have been your in trouble.

Let me know what you think

Try a search on money management and work out the risk to ruin, its possible to blow up an account using a 2% stop loss using 8% makes it fairly certain.
Try a search on money management and work out the risk to ruin, its possible to blow up an account using a 2% stop loss using 8% makes it fairly certain.

IFocus, I don't know this guy but I read the above comment as meaning the 8% stop was on the share, not 8% of equity. For example, buy at $1.00, stop at $0.92. (Which to me is daft anyway. A stop should have a logical connection to the instrument, such as an ATR muiltiple or previous support level or something.)
IFocus, I don't know this guy but I read the above comment as meaning the 8% stop was on the share, not 8% of equity. For example, buy at $1.00, stop at $0.92. (Which to me is daft anyway. A stop should have a logical connection to the instrument, such as an ATR muiltiple or previous support level or something.)

Ah thanks MS agree with your logic;)
i have to agree with cbacamden, i subscribed to lance spicers "trident confidential" newsletter after reading some of his books...

what impresses me is he puts his money where his mouth is...
he does NOT reccommend ANY stocks, he simply researches their fundamentals and invests in the ones he likes and informs his subscribers what he is doing... you can follow what he's doing at your own risk! not many (if any) of the other newsletters do the same! and he has consistent good returns even in down markets which so many well know suscriptions fail to deliver.

his stop losses save him from getting bitten in downturns and allows him to buy back in at a lower price.his success speaks for itself and ppl should do some research on him before judging his technique.

p.s weekly updates on modays now

for what its worth i highly reccomend the trading information i get from my trident subscription! :)

(besides being a subscriber i have no connection with either lance spicer or trident confidential)
Re: Which investment newsletter - Trident Confidential

Howdy bandicoot, everyone. I've heard that Trident Confidential recommends you use a particular broker - I believe it's just for discount rates. Is that correct and can you tell me who it is please? TIA, Dan
hi dan,
i'm not sure if by giving you details from my trident subscription i would be in breach of its guidelines sorry mate, ppl who breach the guidelines have their subscription cancelled and are not allowed to resubscribe in the future. i will try and find out if i'm allowed to pass on that broker info and if possible will let you know in a future post.
I have been subscribing to many for years.
Eureka currently v good
Current costs as I recall
Colin Nicholson quarterly???Eureka report4/week? $295/year
Huntley's your money weekly $597 MCLELLAN REPORT $600/YR DAILY
HS Dent Forecast Update daily $250 -$199 USD/year Intelligent investor $379/yr
Fat prophets and FP mining $525/annum
bgf equities Weekly Commentary - Warwick Grigor
INVEST FOR PROFIT $1100/year??????????????????????????
Has anyone have had experience with Blue Sky Report?
They charge $695/year or deals for 2 or 3 years. I don't know if they are good value for money...
Has anyone have had experience with Blue Sky Report?
They charge $695/year or deals for 2 or 3 years. I don't know if they are good value for money...

I don't subscribe to it but I can recommend Marc Faber's market commentaries which cost US$200pa or the Chartist.
Mate, they are all absolute crap. They are a combination of equivocators and market predictors. Usually one or 2 tips out of 40 are correct.

Read widely and make up your own mind.

I was thinking about signing up to Lance Spicer but in his free emails, i feel he's too optimistic about the economy.

He said the economy will recover solely because Bernake said so.
He said stimulus works 100% of the time.
He was having a go a Peter Schiff because he's negative on the future and goes on to say Peter Schiff is not a good investor because his company's fund is down BUT doesn't mention other people who are negative on the future like Jim Rogers (who is probably one of the best long term investors), Max Keiser and Marc Faber.

I reckon he's got the wrong view on the future so that's why i didn't subscribe to his newsletter.

Most of these newsletter usually have a FREE newsletter and sometimes they tell of a GREAT stock that they think will go up but they don't actually tell you what it is. They tell alot of the details about the stock, without giving the name away but if you do your research you can usually find out what stock they're talking about is anyways.
i subscribe to lance spicers newsletter and highly reccomend it...
the free one you recieve doesnt go into nearly as much detail as the subscription does (of course) but in it lance goes to great lenght to explain his position on everything from his outlook on certain stocks to his view of the future world economic position,
he has a similar style to warren buffet, lets face it, he puts his money where his mouth is and his portfolio (last i checked) was +26% while some of the "big names" are down as much as -42% ... the results say it all for me... i'm sold and will be renewing my subscription with confidence...
...and no... besides subscribing to the newsletter i have no connection at all with either lance spicer nor trident confidential.... i just really like the returns im getting from his newsletter is all! :D
Mate, they are all absolute crap. They are a combination of equivocators and market predictors. Usually one or 2 tips out of 40 are correct.

Read widely and make up your own mind.


Outsourcing of financial information is common among traders and investors. With a sound risk management program, many professional traders don't actually do much of their own research. With a 50/50 win loss rate, and good risk/trade management, it doesn't matter who gives you trade ideas. Flip a coin if you like.

I use three, with a total annual cost of just over 1k.

All of them i find beneficial for planing trades. Perhaps one day when i have more time, i will not use them all.

To each is own.

i subscribe to lance spicers newsletter and highly reccomend it...
the free one you recieve doesnt go into nearly as much detail as the subscription does (of course) but in it lance goes to great lenght to explain his position on everything from his outlook on certain stocks to his view of the future world economic position,
he has a similar style to warren buffet, lets face it, he puts his money where his mouth is and his portfolio (last i checked) was +26% while some of the "big names" are down as much as -42% ... the results say it all for me... i'm sold and will be renewing my subscription with confidence...
...and no... besides subscribing to the newsletter i have no connection at all with either lance spicer nor trident confidential.... i just really like the returns im getting from his newsletter is all! :D

Do you use their broker? This is what you get in their membership "Access to our Full Service Broker and you can trade global stocks for as little as $15"

Did your re-subscription cost only $399?

How long do you think it takes for the subscription to pay itself off in relation to your profits?

Do you do other researches or do you just follow his newsletters?

Thanks for your feedback!;)
I subscribed to a few if I'd tken their advice i'd be broke.

Now only subscribe to the Eureka Report, might contimue at $330 not bad.

The one I like is not an investment newsletter but has people in the know and you get some very interesting information then you make up your own mind. At $140 per year it's a bargain.
Does anyone know of a free precious metals analysis/commentary newsletter or website around?
I'm considering getting into gold, so daily or weekly market analysis would be handy as I havent had much to do with it before.
Am getting the daily reckoning and money morning, (which are pretty good, although generally very sceptical) but something more specific to gold would be good.
Do you use their broker? This is what you get in their membership "Access to our Full Service Broker and you can trade global stocks for as little as $15"

Did your re-subscription cost only $399?

How long do you think it takes for the subscription to pay itself off in relation to your profits?

Do you do other researches or do you just follow his newsletters?

Thanks for your feedback!;)

hi there,

i can only answer your questions in relation to my own experience's so please take that into account before considering my responses to your questions ok ;)

*i havn't used the broker reccomended in the trident confidential newsletter for the simple reason that i already had a brokerage account set up before i subscribed to the newsletter that worked well and had a similar brokerage service, the brokerage costs you quoted are as they appear on the subscription website so i guess thats correct.

*resubscription is $399 however if you let the subscription lapse and dont re-subscribe before a certain timeframe it goes back to being $700

*how long it takes to make back the subscription cost depends on how much you actually invest, so sorry but i cant help you with your individual situation but with regards to myself i made alot more than $700 (in share value increases NOT profit) in the first week from only 1 of the shares that he reccomended.

the shares in my portfolio that i chose myself independantly from lances are going from green to red to green and back each day... the shares i selected from trident are in the green 90% of the time... hows that for an explanation :eek: ..haha..

*the first rule in investing has got to be RESEARCH EVERYTHING before you sink your hard earned cash into an investment... so yes i DEFINATELY do research independantly of the trident newsletter on ANY stock i invest in ...its only common sense really ;)

i use the trident newsletter to give me an insight into which shares are "on the move" ...kind of like getting an adviser to narrow down the field based on the companies' fundamentals and future growth potential...
then i pick the shares that suit my individual investment style (personally i stick to companies that actually HAVE something "solid" to back them... such as proven mining stocks, construction/ maintenance/ service companies, blue chip industrials and oil/gas/resource type stocks

i balance these "low risk", dividend paying stocks with some speculative stocks in mineral exploration etc where there is potential for huge growth in shareprice (but unfortunately also where dividends could be long way off), and i stear clear of financial, IT, .com's, R&D etc stocks due too their volatility ... my advice... anything that seems too good to be true generally is!

thats how i invest anyway and i havnt done my a*se yet :) (touch wood!)
i use the trident newsletter to give me an insight into which shares are "on the move" ...kind of like getting an adviser to narrow down the field based on the companies' fundamentals and future growth potential...
then i pick the shares that suit my individual investment style (personally i stick to companies that actually HAVE something "solid" to back them... such as proven mining stocks, construction/ maintenance/ service companies, blue chip industrials and oil/gas/resource type stocks

I think thats the problem when people subscribe to these publications. They think that every single buy and sell is suitable to them when it really is not. It is always worth assessing the situation yourself and seeing what you want out of it.
I have used and use the following:

Australian Stock Report: Cost $2000/pa 13months for Investors/Traders and CFD report

- Good for market and trading information. It's library of info will take you a few months to get through it
- Use capital managment 2% and will say when they risk more than this
- Website layout is very good and easy to follow
-Their best trades are forex and commodity related.
- Best short term trades will get you 4 -5R profit($800-1000)
-SMS updates

- Everyday recommendations are given which you enter or choose not to enter.
- Have to actively trade to get any use out of it. Need to be glued to your computer to set stop losses or take profits
- SMS very inconsistent.
-Worse trades are Indices and shares
- Claim kudos for being on winning trades, even if they were recommended weeks back. Some are very hard to hit your entry price.
- They use IG Markets soley. Stock commissions will wear you down.
- Hate losing money to these tipsters
- Some of there trades are placed pre-market and can be disasters.
- They stay on the sidelines when volatility is high instead of standing up and taking adv of the drop or rise.

After my first year I was going to stop the subscription. Got a call from the sales guy. At the very end of the conversation they dropped their subscipton to $400/pa for 2 years. I accepted and haven't traded one of their recommendations since but have researched some of their share tips. I do plan to use them though when I start day trading again.

Huntley's report:


-Fundamental analysis is second to none.
-Good understanding of the bigger picture
-Newsletter easy to read and follow
-Has made some good calls over the past 10 years like HVN,AGK,QBE and CSL

-His long term Income and Growth portfolio is getting Knocked about
-Has recommended and holds AIO, PPT,MQG,AMP, and GPT. They are all getting smashed.
-Lowers his buying level on falliing stocks like Alumnia. Recommended it at $6. It now stands at a bit over $1
-Bought BHP at a very high price after his glowing half yearly special newsletter, to watch it fall like a rock.
-Bought and recommended Compass Resources. He lost $33400 out of it.
-To much info to absorb at times
-He didn't pick the market turn. In fact in Dec 2007 he predicted another up year for 2008. He did admit he was wrong though.
-He constantly says I don't think the market will get lower. Guess what he said this 4-5 times after March 2008. Hmm talk about placing your head on the chopping block.

Would I recommend it. Yes for the info long term 10+ years but fundamentals change - He loves GPT and then says later he will sell down some at a loss to buy other stocks.

Not for the Short/Medium term trader. Not for the TA Trader.

Marcus Today Subscription - Too expensive

- Just market commentary. You can get it free else where. He is pretty knowledagble and has a sense of humour but the high price for the subscription is a turn off.

Daily Reckoning - Free

- Not bad commentary. They like miners and energy which I follow.
- A lot of spam and selling links

Smart Investor - $70/pa

- For its price it is what I recommend. The editor is a babe but can be annoying at times. Don't trust a chick as they are too emotional.
- It used to list FPO's and their progress. I made $1000+ on one. Not bad for a $70 year subscription
-However it's stock and market analysis is weeks behind current market conditions.

Local Sydney paper Manly Daily - Free

There is this guy in it that has a column every week. I follow his tips on energy and mining. 2/3 of his tips on spec stocks are winners. He picks them early as well. Some of his best tips are QGC, PRC, TRY and MMX. However once they peak get out as they usually fall just as fast.

He has his own newsletter for $200-300 a year which I would subscribe to if I had some spare cash.

Other good resources:

Sun Herald Investor section - Sun
Sun Herlad Money section - Weds

Disclaimer: I do not work for Faifax media

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