Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Which investment newsletter is good?

I used Huntley's when I first started. Easy to read - a regular market overview - great fundamental research - no confusing technical analysis. It seemed to me at the time that if I used his "professional" advice, I couldn't go wrong.

Boy was I wrong. Unfortunately he recommended buying many companies that where "cheap" not long into the GFC - some of which got a whole lot cheaper!!!! Even when an idiot like me realised that things where not looking to rosy with a company like BBI - he was still flagging it as a buy! It wasn't until the thing was lying belly up in the gutter that he changed his recommendation from a buy to high risk buy! His sell recomendation didnt come until the thing was pronounced dead! In terms of a stop loss - at about the 95% loss level!

I can't believe the financial service regulators allow him to continue to charge professional fees for such incompetent advice!
The problem with huntley is that he knows the fundamentals and ascribes a value based on that. If the SP is below that he says buy. But it doesn't take into account market sentiment or anything. That's what you get with some value investing
The problem with huntley is that he knows the fundamentals and ascribes a value based on that. If the SP is below that he says buy. But it doesn't take into account market sentiment or anything. That's what you get with some value investing

I guess that would explain why his stops dont get hit until the sh*t has really hit the fan! :eek:
I actually signed up to Morningstar (which is sort of Huntley) when they were running the 4 weeks free or whatever it was, but never really had an intention to pay for it. I noticed they had a lot of stocks as being Buys, as their SP was below what he considered to be their 'fair value'. But i question some of his valuation methods, and also some of his forecasts that he made on the future values of commodities. As a result, he had stocks like LGL and NCM at Sell because he thought gold was at it's top. But then he was backing stocks like TLS as it was apparently worth 4.30. Even when it became clear to the world that the FutureFund was selling down TLS, he continued to have TLS as a buy.

I'm not saying he is uselesss, but his investment ideals just don't gel with mine.
Yes -have been with them for years and he has a few bad ones.

Also too many hold/reduce/accumulates instead of buys/sells lately
I know it may be up there above in this thread somewhere.... but does anyone have any experience in using Alan Hull?

Rick, I'm sure you will remember 'Bunyip' who no longer posts on ASF.
He was fairly harshly critical of many, but held Alan Hull in high esteem.
Rick, I'm sure you will remember 'Bunyip' who no longer posts on ASF.
He was fairly harshly critical of many, but held Alan Hull in high esteem.

Yes, Julia, I remember Bunyip - knowledgable man.

I must be mis-reading Alan Hull's website. As I see it the service consists of a weekly email / update on chosen stocks in the ASX200.

The number of subscribers is limited to 1000 at approximately $1000 a year per person.

The advice would have to be first rate and I don't know of anyone who subscribes. There is also no trial period although subscribers do not have to commit for more than a month at a time [which actually makes the subscription dearer than $1000 / year]. There is a "sample" email on the website but, as it was dated November 2006, I found it of limited value.

If Bunyip was a fan then I would suspect that the advice is high quality. However I wouldn't mind hearing from anyone who has recent experience with Hull's service.

Meantime I have emailed to ask for clarification in case I am mis-reading the situation.

Rick, I understand your frustration at not being able to gain enough information to make a decision without committing a significant amount of money. I am currently considering subscribing to Teaminvest but they expect you to sign up before you can fully understand what you are buying. I like what I saw in a presentation that I attended but without more detail, it would be a significant leap of faith to simply accept what they say about themselves. I see this dilemma reflected in a number of posts about this sort of thing on ASF. I would have thought more people on a forum like this would have experience or knowledge of particular offerings and could offer their opinions.
Rick, I understand your frustration at not being able to gain enough information to make a decision without committing a significant amount of money. I am currently considering subscribing to Teaminvest but they expect you to sign up before you can fully understand what you are buying. I like what I saw in a presentation that I attended but without more detail, it would be a significant leap of faith to simply accept what they say about themselves. I see this dilemma reflected in a number of posts about this sort of thing on ASF. I would have thought more people on a forum like this would have experience or knowledge of particular offerings and could offer their opinions.

I sent you a lengthy PM, last year, on another service Brian. I still hold that one in high regard and it has more than paid for itself. I don't like shooting in the dark and thought Hull might offer a quality service.
But, yes, I'd like more info before I commit.
Just to clarify: From the little info I was able to gather I have concluded that Alan Hull's service is not what I am seeking -- Which is not to say that it might be a good fit for others.
If they are not giving you a trial or their audited results short and long term why would you bother?

I have dropped many over the years as have done better myself [Fat Prophets, ASR, Bioshares, Share analysis, Intelligent investor, even Rivkin report after many years but still do the trading report] but still subscribe to those on the list previously mentioned
I'm not sure if this has been covered (apologies if it has) but what can research such as the subs in this thread be claimed against investment profits etc?
I have trialled many of the free (for a period of time) and kept records of their views and reocommendations. For shares witih the ASX 200, they do occassionally give some reasonable results, but with a bit of knowledge, time and monitoring, it is not too hard to find a blue chip under valued, or beaten up, which will give a short term low risk gain. Would put WBC in this category at the moment.

The real value I have gained out of these newsletters, is knowledge, and would say most are worth a go if you want to learn.

After much research, I have finally paid the money to ASI and will also join the Drillers and Diggers soon. THese newsletter fit my style of investing the riskier part of my portfolio. I am comfortable buying and selling blue chips to make a few bucks, and use a percentage of my capital on the small caps, and these fellows have enough subsrcibers (and others) to influence the market. So for a day trader, a buy or sell recommendation with either ASI or D and D is a very powerful.

Of course this is only my opinion
Lance Spicer's Trident Confidential Newsletter has been very good over many years now. Australian & US stocks, mostly US lately. Don't think he does a free trial however. He's also just been appointed as a fund manager for a retail managed fund.
I'm not sure if this has been covered (apologies if it has) but what can research such as the subs in this thread be claimed against investment profits etc?

My tax status is a trader and I do it through a p/l company so tipsheets, flight and living expenses attending AGM's, inspecting sites etc. etc. are claimed

[Keep a diary and notice of AGM of course to prove it was for an AGM not going to see Oprah ;-)].

D&D are doing well lately for me - only one taken out on stoploss so far.

I still have some fat prophet dogs that they had no stoploss on!
Thanks FB, how about us working stiffs who invest on the side??? I'm guessing this is one of those ATO grey area's........ Surely items like subs and other research items (AFR??) should be deductable against investment profits????
I have my own blog, which I suppose might be considered an 'investment newsletter'. I analyse and ascribe valuations to different stocks and time my entries using technical analysis. And best of all, I don't charge a cent.
Lance Spicer's Trident Confidential Newsletter has been very good over many years now. Australian & US stocks, mostly US lately. Don't think he does a free trial however. He's also just been appointed as a fund manager for a retail managed fund.

Lance Spicer claims to have spectacular gains in his newsletter (+50%) but their is no 3rd party monitoring of his results - have a look at his Trident Global Growth Fund performance for a reality check.

He appointed himself to his own retail fund - Trident Global Growth Fund - which is monitored by Australian Mutual Holdings Limited, it shows that Lance has lost money every year that he has managed this fund, it was started at $1.00 per unit and is currently at Redemption Unit Price - $0.884 and has been as low as $0.79, thats over a -20% loss. Funny thing is that he uses the same methodology to pick stocks in Trident Global Growth Fund as he does in the Trident Confidential Newsletter.
Yes I was unimpressed with the trident stuff lately.

Eureka still my no 1 out of all the ones I do as above posts.

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