Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Beginners - Introduce yourselves!

Welcome @Linus van Pelt there is plenty of great resources and people on the site which can help yo along the way.

Have a look around and just jump in with both feet as I know when I decided to stop lurking I started to learn a lot more.
Hi I'm Scott, 59, from Sydney. New to trading so...yeah, a bit of a late start.

I know this is asked millions of times, but if you have any recommendations on how to learn, please let me know.

In the meantime I'm hitting the Trading/Investing Forums, as well as searching the whole of ASF. But it's hard to search when you don't even know what you're searching for.

And if I'm completely honest, my initial perusing of ASF shows the signal-to-noise ratio may be low (???). I'm not sure what race problems in the US have to do with stock trading?

I'm anxious to get started but need to balance learning by doing (and trying to keep mistakes small) vs. studying forever and never getting started.
Have you read any of Daniel Kahnemann's stuff?

Scott, don't worry about some of the cul de sacs. And if someone gets really pesky, the site has a useful button that allows you to IGNORE certain contributors. In what is an anonymous forum, there are always a few barrow pushers. Threads can also go 'off message' very quickly as you'd expect.

I don't want to white-ant anyone, but it always amuses me that you are expected to "trade". I'd prefer to think of it as "investing". The most important thing is to find your own style, align this with your skill set AND set some rules. Impose discipline. And garner information from any and everywhere.

Craps, blackjack, roulette, and pretty much everything else are zero-sum games, with an edge to the house. The financial markets are not a zero-sum game, but there is a house. Market-makers are the house. And the odds are firmly in their favor.

In stocks, options, and, increasingly, bonds, large electronic market-making firms play the role of the house....
... But investing is not a zero-sum game. Stocks pay dividends, and they go up over time. Bonds pay coupons. The problem is that people put themselves in situations where it IS a zero-sum game, either by trading too frequently or trading in the derivatives markets, which are zero sum. After paying execution costs, you’re back to where you were in the casino.
- Jared Dillian
Hi I'm Scott, 59, from Sydney. New to trading so...yeah, a bit of a late start. I know this is asked millions of times, but if you have any recommendations on how to learn, please let me know.

Hi @Linus van Pelt, welcome to our community & yes, I have a recommendation on how to learn - read the "Dump it here" thread, it's been specially written for you

Help is at hand
New members join our community looking to learn how to trade or invest successfully. I know there are many members who are willing to help you with this. Make the search feature your friend, use it to get answers quickly.

Listen to everyone & read only the post that interest you
From my experience, it pays to listen to everyone & then you decide if it’s relevant or helpful to you. You get to decide what to keep & what to discard. If you don’t listen to advice you'll forgo the right to learn. Education is the key when it comes to trading. As the saying goes, if what you learn leads to knowledge, you become a fool - but if what you learn leads to action, you can become wealthy. In the meantime check out my educational thread.

The “Dump it here” thread
If you read a few of my posts I’m sure you’ll want to keep reading a few more

What's trading all about - found here:

My free eBook
My free beginners eBook in ePub format "Trading Fundamentals - Skate's Beginners Version eBook" is the first book you should to read. I've condensed what I found value in my trading journey & can be found here:

The Action Strategy
Exciting news, because at the moment on the "Dump it here" thread, our new "Action Strategy" has only been trading for 3 weeks so you haven't missed the boat to follow along. The strategy is fully disclosed is being traded live & the it's ongoing progress is reported weekly, found here:

Enjoy poking around..

Hi everybody. I'm 34 and fairly new to investing in shares. I feel like I'm starting pretty late, but better late than never I guess?

I owned shares in a company that I used to work for but sold them a few years ago. I technically lost money selling the shares for lower than I got them for, but I got the shares with nothing out of pocket on my end because it was through an employee share scheme. I also dabbled a little bit in crypto and made a little bit of money, but found it to be too speculative and irrational compared to the share market and investing in businesses that provide actual goods and services.

I have a small Raiz account that I deposit some of my pay into every fortnight but want to get more serious about investing and trading. I want to learn about technical analysis and looking at paper trading using the ASX's sharemarket game or something similar to learn how to execute trades.
@thisisrogue, welcome to our community. New members join our community looking to learn how to trade or invest successfully. I know there are many members who are willing to help you with this & from my experience, it pays to listen to everyone & then decide if it’s relevant or helpful to you. If you don’t listen to the advice you'll forgo the right to learn. Education is the key when it comes to trading.

The “Dump it here” thread
If you read a few of my posts I’m sure you’ll want to keep reading a few more, the "Dump it here" thread starts here: just make sure you read at least five posts to give a sample of what follows. My last post is found here:

What's trading all about - found here:

My free eBook
My free beginner's eBook is in the ePub format "Trading Fundamentals - Skate's Beginners Version eBook" is the first book you should to read. I've condensed what I found value in my trading journey & can be found here:

The Action Strategy
Exciting news, because at the moment on the "Dump it here" thread is concentrating on trading our new "Action Strategy" employing technical analysis. The strategy has only been trading for 3 weeks so you haven't missed the boat to follow along. The strategy is fully disclosed is being traded live & its ongoing progress is reported weekly, found here:

Enjoy looking around
If a thread interests you, read it slowly, don't fall into the trap of "speed reading" as it doesn't give you time to fully understand the post let alone the time to memorise all the important stuff. Also, don't rush the learning process, you financial future may depend on it.

I have been trading for about 18 months on the ASX. I am loving it and find the whole reseaching and buying a whole lot of fun. I prefer to buy and sit, l avoid selling unless l really consider i bought a dud. So far l feel i have been very successful, my earlier shares were Afterpay, appen and z1p. They have all performed well and l have a host of newer ones in my portfolio now. Love the info i get from this site.
New here.
Hoping to learn about investing and work out a way to grow wealth in the long term.
Lots to read up on and research it seems.
Hi! New here. Hoping to learn about investing and work out a way to grow wealth in the long term. Lots to read up on and research it seems.

@Fury welcome to our community. New members join our community looking to learn how to trade or invest successfully & it was pleasing when you said you wanted to "grow wealth in the long term" because that's how it's done.

Wealthy Capture.JPG

The “Dump it here” thread
If you read a few of my posts I’m sure you’ll want to keep reading a few more, the "Dump it here" thread starts here: just make sure you read at least five posts to give a sample of what follows.

My free eBook
My free beginner's eBook is in the ePub format "Trading Fundamentals - Skate's Beginners Version eBook" is the first book you should to read. I've condensed what I found value in my trading journey & can be found here:

Enjoy looking around
If a thread interests you, read it slowly, don't fall into the trap of "speed reading" as it doesn't give you time to fully understand the post let alone the time to memorise all the important stuff. Also, don't rush the learning process, your financial future may depend on it.

Enjoy your stay.

Hi, My name is Suleman and I am new here. Trying to build my wealth now in my 30s so that when i reach my 50's my family never has to worry about their future.
Hi, My name is Suleman and I am new here. Trying to build my wealth now in my 30s so that when i reach my 50's my family never has to worry about their future.

Hi Suleman

Welcome to the ASF community. If you're keen to read and learn then you've come to the right place, just don't rush the process.

The “Dump it here” thread
Building wealth is a slow process & allowing yourself 20 years to go from zero to hero is a great starting point. Pearls of wisdom get dropped around here all the time so there's plenty of great information here to get you started.

Here's a great idea
I'm suggesting that you read a few of my posts as I’m sure you’ll want to keep reading a few more, the "Dump it here" thread may hold the key to building your nest egg. For me, education is the key when it comes to trading. The "Dump it here thread" starts here: just make sure you read at least five posts to give a sample of the type of posts that will follow.

My Free ebook (ePub format)
My free eBook will answer most of your question & some - it’s been written especially for you & can be found here:
If you are keen to learn I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here!

Help is at hand
New members join our community looking to learn how to trade or invest successfully. I've been around long enough to know you have come to the right community as it's chock full of knowledgeable members who are only willing to help to answer a few of your questions.

Make the search feature your friend, use it to get answers quickly. Please don't be afraid to post if you have any questions or feel you have something to contribute to a discussion. Participation is the name of the game.

Hey everyone,

I’m 35 and sick of working hard for my money and want my money to work for me. I simply don’t think my body will last at the rate I’m going as far as work. I also want to live life and not work until I’m old enough to get the pension!
Here and there I have put money into shares $500 or $1000 at a time with some reasonably educated decisions but feel like I should learn more before going further. I was also thinking maybe give $500 or so to a broker each fortnight as I run an electrical business and have a newborn and not much spare time..
Then, luckily, I found this forum!
Hopefully it will help in my search for some long term investments and teach more about trading in general!
Hey everyone,

I’m 35 and sick of working hard for my money and want my money to work for me. I simply don’t think my body will last at the rate I’m going as far as work. I also want to live life and not work until I’m old enough to get the pension!
Here and there I have put money into shares $500 or $1000 at a time with some reasonably educated decisions but feel like I should learn more before going further. I was also thinking maybe give $500 or so to a broker each fortnight as I run an electrical business and have a newborn and not much spare time..
Then, luckily, I found this forum!
Hopefully it will help in my search for some long term investments and teach more about trading in general!
Welcome @Booze

I'd suggest you not put your money in a broker account until you have decided to trade or invest with your new found zeal to be a better trader/investor.

And then there is the question, where to put it. I don't fully trust anyone with my money so perhaps follow @Skate 's advice for the present. There are some very cluey investors/traders on this forum.

Perhaps as an exercise for you, do many searches on this forum between now and the end of July, and pick a stock and enter the August 2020 Competition and see how it goes.

Welcome @Booze

I'd suggest you not put your money in a broker account until you have decided to trade or invest with your new found zeal to be a better trader/investor.

And then there is the question, where to put it. I don't fully trust anyone with my money so perhaps follow @Skate 's advice for the present. There are some very cluey investors/traders on this forum.

Perhaps as an exercise for you, do many searches on this forum between now and the end of July, and pick a stock and enter the August 2020 Competition and see how it goes.

Yes sounds good! Just saw the competition.
Can I ask though, when admin posts a new or upcoming stock to be released on the ASX, is this because of their potential or are they just letting everyone know there is a new contender?
Yes sounds good! Just saw the competition.
Can I ask though, when admin posts a new or upcoming stock to be released on the ASX, is this because of their potential or are they just letting everyone know there is a new contender?
And where’s the best place to ask stupid newby questions in these forums? Like my 1st question:
If I’ve invested in a mining company I think may excel, would I be smart to sell when they dig up the ‘jackpot’?? As my thinking is their stocks prices will slow up until their next big find.?!?.
Yes sounds good! Just saw the competition.
Can I ask though, when admin posts a new or upcoming stock to be released on the ASX, is this because of their potential or are they just letting everyone know there is a new contender?

Threads on stocks are only ever started by an administrator to facilitate discussion on those companies. ASF admin do not endorse or recommend any company or investment. I am only here to manage the community generally and to perform administrative tasks such as starting threads, closing threads, merging threads and editing thread titles when appropriate. An administrator account will also occasionally post to advise when a company has changed its name, ASX code, or has been de-listed from the ASX. This also is not an endorsement or recommendation, but simply a housekeeping task.
Yes sounds good! Just saw the competition.
Can I ask though, when admin posts a new or upcoming stock to be released on the ASX, is this because of their potential or are they just letting everyone know there is a new contender?
The latter. Newly listed or sometimes change of name.

Also watch for stocks changing investment focus. One year a mink farm, next an oiler and then suddenly an IT company with a new Cloud technology. Beware.

Also, never fall in love with a stock. Also, never fall in love. Well, maybe not irrevocably.

If I’ve invested in a mining company I think may excel, would I be smart to sell when they dig up the ‘jackpot’?? As my thinking is their stocks prices will slow up until their next big find.?!?.

Nobody can here can provide you with financial advice specific to your particular circumstances, which includes when to enter or exit any investment.

Communities such as ASF are not a substitute for licensed financial advice. Please review this thread for more information.
Nobody can here can provide you with financial advice specific to your particular circumstances, which includes when to enter or exit any investment.

Communities such as ASF are not a substitute for licensed financial advice. Please review this thread for more information.
I understand, I suppose I was just asking for other people’s thoughts. I know I’m not going to get any rock solid information off certain threads or people involved here..
I suppose my question is, where do I ask stupid newbie questions in search of other people’s thoughts as I don’t want to waste time in other threads?
I understand, I suppose I was just asking for other people’s thoughts. I know I’m not going to get any rock solid information off certain threads or people involved here..

An important distinction needs to be made here. You can ask others for their opinions on any company. You can discuss a company or investment in any way you see fit. But you cannot ask others what or when you should buy and sell. That is considered financial advice and is not permitted.

So feel free to ask about the company or investment, but not for advice about your particular financial circumstances.

I suppose my question is, where do I ask stupid newbie questions in search of other people’s thoughts as I don’t want to waste time in other threads?

If you are asking a question about a particular company then please do it in the thread on that stock. Use the website search to search for the thread using the company's name or ASX code, then ask your question in that thread.

If you are asking a newbie question about a concept, then do it in the Beginner's Lounge forum. You will find that many questions have already been asked and answered, so please search for existing threads before starting a new one.

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