Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Which investment newsletter is good?

I think thats the problem when people subscribe to these publications. They think that every single buy and sell is suitable to them when it really is not. It is always worth assessing the situation yourself and seeing what you want out of it.

exactly right! people shouldnt subscribe to newsletters' looking for a "guru" then follow their advice blindly.... rather they should be looking for a decent analist who can 'narrow the field' based on a companies fundamentals, then do their own independant research before investing in any stock.
lets face it if there was an "all knowing financial guru" he'd be retired on the coast of tahiti somewhere, not cramped up in an office somewhere writing newsletters! ;)
A few years back I subscribed to Rivkin, then Huntleys. I followed recommendations on stock like PAS (Pasminco) and more recently AFG and saw them fall over, at a time when the buy recs were still in place!

I now suggest you pocket your subscription, do your own research (there are many good books in your local library) have a plan and stick with it. Look hard at risk management and exits prior to entry and your portfolio will grow.

That's what experience tells me...
Not so much an Investment Newsletter, but a good financial blog site is
Nouriel Roubini's RGE Monitor.
I look at any, all, as many of the mews letters as possible. Work what they have to say into my own research, track a share that, is standing out from that research for a while, and if i still like what i see, then buy.
Dont forget to look into the company, who's running it, credentials, any new people on the board, if so who are they, experience????? Major Shareholders, is or has the CEO bought sold any shares latly, why so?
Research, research, research mate....................
Thank you for answering my questions so honestly!

I have done a lot of research and have decided that Trident is the way to go. I just want a guide really, but like you I will be making as much research as I can. There are so many stocks out there and so much media influence, one can get lost so easily...

I agree with what you said, can't be too careful and can't just dive in without a safety net.

Does Trident contact you when your subscription is nearly running out for renewal?

Well, I wish you all the luck and hope your investments continue on the right path!

Thank you for your assistance!:)


hi there,

i can only answer your questions in relation to my own experience's so please take that into account before considering my responses to your questions ok ;)

*i havn't used the broker reccomended in the trident confidential newsletter for the simple reason that i already had a brokerage account set up before i subscribed to the newsletter that worked well and had a similar brokerage service, the brokerage costs you quoted are as they appear on the subscription website so i guess thats correct.

*resubscription is $399 however if you let the subscription lapse and dont re-subscribe before a certain timeframe it goes back to being $700

*how long it takes to make back the subscription cost depends on how much you actually invest, so sorry but i cant help you with your individual situation but with regards to myself i made alot more than $700 (in share value increases NOT profit) in the first week from only 1 of the shares that he reccomended.

the shares in my portfolio that i chose myself independantly from lances are going from green to red to green and back each day... the shares i selected from trident are in the green 90% of the time... hows that for an explanation :eek: ..haha..

*the first rule in investing has got to be RESEARCH EVERYTHING before you sink your hard earned cash into an investment... so yes i DEFINATELY do research independantly of the trident newsletter on ANY stock i invest in ...its only common sense really ;)

i use the trident newsletter to give me an insight into which shares are "on the move" ...kind of like getting an adviser to narrow down the field based on the companies' fundamentals and future growth potential...
then i pick the shares that suit my individual investment style (personally i stick to companies that actually HAVE something "solid" to back them... such as proven mining stocks, construction/ maintenance/ service companies, blue chip industrials and oil/gas/resource type stocks

i balance these "low risk", dividend paying stocks with some speculative stocks in mineral exploration etc where there is potential for huge growth in shareprice (but unfortunately also where dividends could be long way off), and i stear clear of financial, IT, .com's, R&D etc stocks due too their volatility ... my advice... anything that seems too good to be true generally is!

thats how i invest anyway and i havnt done my a*se yet :) (touch wood!)
Any poster on ASF could publish an Investment Newsletter.

I may do myself one day.



I'm curious...what would YOU put into "Garpal Gumnuts Gigantic, Grand, Great and Guiding Journal to Gargantuan Golden Goals"?

What would make you part with the hard-earned?

Sir O
I have used and use the following:

Australian Stock Report: Cost $2000/pa 13months for Investors/Traders and CFD report

- Good for market and trading information. It's library of info will take you a few months to get through it
- Use capital managment 2% and will say when they risk more than this
- Website layout is very good and easy to follow
-Their best trades are forex and commodity related.
- Best short term trades will get you 4 -5R profit($800-1000)
-SMS updates

- Everyday recommendations are given which you enter or choose not to enter.
- Have to actively trade to get any use out of it. Need to be glued to your computer to set stop losses or take profits
- SMS very inconsistent.
-Worse trades are Indices and shares
- Claim kudos for being on winning trades, even if they were recommended weeks back. Some are very hard to hit your entry price.
- They use IG Markets soley. Stock commissions will wear you down.
- Hate losing money to these tipsters
- Some of there trades are placed pre-market and can be disasters.
- They stay on the sidelines when volatility is high instead of standing up and taking adv of the drop or rise.

After my first year I was going to stop the subscription. Got a call from the sales guy. At the very end of the conversation they dropped their subscipton to $400/pa for 2 years. I accepted and haven't traded one of their recommendations since but have researched some of their share tips. I do plan to use them though when I start day trading again.

Thanks alot nero..

I think you've saved me a bit of money. Was going to buy the ASR CFD+Forex report.. but your post has stopped me I think..

I was strongly against the report without even using it cause of their pestering and annoying sales people.. who would ring every second day. Their sales people were extremely pushy.. and very intrusive as well.. enough for me.

The end of the line was when I strongly explained that to the Sales idiot that I'd be unavailable all day on a particular day due to an extremely important meeting.. although.. he decided he'd ring anyway at 12:00 noon, assuming he could talk to me on lunch about some ridiculous offer.. What the _____? (you can fill in the blanks im sure).

..wasn't the end, gave me a call a week ago.. and I said I still was looking around.. and he actually started to explain that it shouldn't be alot of money with their returns.. and the investment account I controlled.. at that stage i told him to stick it (not as politely) and hung up..

bad experience..

again, thanks.

I concur re ASR and Huntley above see the Fat prophet thread for my current comments on Rivkin

EUREKA speculator is really good now
Inside trader, Intelligent investor,oz equities still good

New ones under test

Graham Dyer, The Chartist, Stockradar, BGF equities
Stock tip sheets

I have been reading a lot via my email about Diggers & Drillers (Dan Denning) &
Australian Small Cap Investigator (Krys Sayce) newsletters.
Do any members of ASF have any good or negative experiences with those above mentioned? I had asked before about Trident Confidential and had got a positive answer. Anybody willing to discuss this topic would be very welcome.
Re: Stock tip sheets

I have been reading a lot via my email about Diggers & Drillers (Dan Denning) &
Australian Small Cap Investigator (Krys Sayce) newsletters.
Do any members of ASF have any good or negative experiences with those above mentioned? I had asked before about Trident Confidential and had got a positive answer. Anybody willing to discuss this topic would be very welcome.

All I'm going to say is that if you buy on Mr Smith's tip, make sure you sell on Mr Smith's tip.
Best shares newsletter/recommendation service


I'm learning about share market and was looking to subscribe to some professional service to get tips on shares.

I know of chartist and eureka newsletter, Is there any other service?

Eureka newsletter informed about ROL share and in just two weeks, it's up 200%

Please help
Re: Best shares newsletter/recommendation service

Hello. There are many threads in the archives of this forum and these can be accessed by using the search function in the drop-down-menu.

The search function has a dual result in that 1) it saves on multiplying same topic threads.

2) Posters can then use the same thread to ask the same question if not already answered. It also gives the question asker access to information on similar subjects. :)
Has anyone tried "21st century investor" newsletter?

One of the few I have not tried some are a bit of a worry lately - Dyer and the latest HS DENT he says............

Special Quarterly Report just out

: Deflation Is
the Only Outcome . . . and It Is the
Only Real Solution

he also covers more areas............

The Simplest Explanation from a Non-

Steve Keen and the Importance of
Private Credit

The Long View

Summary Insights from
Understanding Natural Deflation and
Depression Cycles

Consumer Spending at the Margin
By: Charles Sizemore, CFA

Government Re-inflation – Tilting At

Sector Allocations and Updates
By: Rodney Johnson, President
Market Trading Advisory

Hi people,
this is my 1st post on this forum and I look forward to reading differing points of view on the markets and trading in general.
I tend to read a lot of financial advisories/emails....usually from the US, however, The Daily Reckoning is also a staple.
It does get a little confusing sometimes, however, it is quite a learning experience.
Anyhow, my exposure to the markets has only been minimal at best and recently one that has not been very lucrative.
I've recently come into some cash and wish to invest/trade with a portion.
My preference is to enter into the Aussie market and to that aim, I am looking at various trading advisories being offered.
I do see lots of advisories quoting astronomical rates of return, however being a realist, I understand these particular trades usually are accompanied with the rest of the stocks offered by the same advisers which have not done so well.
One advisory I have been thinking about is called "The Slipstream Trader"
Has anyone out there had any experience with these guys?
Please understand, I am not advertising this mob on this forum....I genuinely wish to hear from others that may have experience of them or are also thinking of them as well.
As a side note, I am a little hestant in entering the market at this point as I believe the recent bear market rally may soon turn south.
Re: Martket Trading Advisory

Hi people,
this is my 1st post on this forum and I look forward to reading differing points of view on the markets and trading in general.
I tend to read a lot of financial advisories/emails....usually from the US, however, The Daily Reckoning is also a staple.
It does get a little confusing sometimes, however, it is quite a learning experience.
- they're meant to confuse you. So that you will use them.

Anyhow, my exposure to the markets has only been minimal at best and recently one that has not been very lucrative.
I've recently come into some cash and wish to invest/trade with a portion.
- A good idea.

My preference is to enter into the Aussie market and to that aim, I am looking at various trading advisories being offered.
- why? Do you think they know better than you do? If they did, why would they need to sell newsletters?

I do see lots of advisories quoting astronomical rates of return...
- yes they all do that. It's to make you buy their muse-letter.

One advisory I have been thinking about is called "The Slipstream Trader"

Ask yourself this, "what are you going to do when you lose money from following someone else's advice?"

Write your reply...