Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Media

6 September 2008
I wish the Australian media would leave people like Matthew Newton and Ben Cousins alone.

They both have problems and whenever anything happens they are front page news, Newton was splashed on the front pages for a week recently , the Newtons have it hard enough without this overzealous reporting by what can only be described as parasitic gutter journalists.

Don't they get it ? We don't want to hear about it, IT'S BORING and intrusive on private lives.
I wish the Australian media would leave people like Matthew Newton and Ben Cousins alone.

They both have problems and whenever anything happens they are front page news, Newton was splashed on the front pages for a week recently , the Newtons have it hard enough without this overzealous reporting by what can only be described as parasitic gutter journalists.

Don't they get it ? We don't want to hear about it, IT'S BORING and intrusive on private lives.
But you have promoted such media frenzy by referring to it!!!:rolleyes:
I wish the Australian media would leave people like Matthew Newton and Ben Cousins alone.

They both have problems and whenever anything happens they are front page news, Newton was splashed on the front pages for a week recently , the Newtons have it hard enough without this overzealous reporting by what can only be described as parasitic gutter journalists.

Don't they get it ? We don't want to hear about it, IT'S BORING and intrusive on private lives.

I must admit that as an occasional viewer of the 'meeja' in Australia, Matthew Hilton, Angelina Cousins, Paris Pitt and Ben Jolie, all merge in to one for me.

Just tried to watch the news on 9, lead story -

a Collingwood player was racially vilified.

Switch to 7 - same thing.

Switch OFF
The really strange thing is that this is what most TV watchers want. TV stations put a lot of resources into finding out what gets people watching, and it's drama and hyperbole. So the Collingwood racist story fits the bill perfectly. Not everyone is interested, but TV watchers would lap this up.

There's a lot of people who love natural disasters. How do I know this? Because nowadays when a natural disaster happens in Australia, the TV networks cover it for 24 hours straight and cancel all other programs to do so. They wouldn't do it for no reason. All that's needed is a news story, but no, they put on hours and hours on end. Failed heroes and failing sporting clubs pull big ratings too. This what TV watchers want. The TV networks know their market.
I wish the Australian media would leave people like Matthew Newton and Ben Cousins alone.

They both have problems and whenever anything happens they are front page news, Newton was splashed on the front pages for a week recently , the Newtons have it hard enough without this overzealous reporting by what can only be described as parasitic gutter journalists.

Don't they get it ? We don't want to hear about it, IT'S BORING and intrusive on private lives.

The really strange thing is that this is what most TV watchers want. TV stations put a lot of resources into finding out what gets people watching, and it's drama and hyperbole. So the Collingwood racist story fits the bill perfectly. Not everyone is interested, but TV watchers would lap this up.

There's a lot of people who love natural disasters. How do I know this? Because nowadays when a natural disaster happens in Australia, the TV networks cover it for 24 hours straight and cancel all other programs to do so. They wouldn't do it for no reason. All that's needed is a news story, but no, they put on hours and hours on end. Failed heroes and failing sporting clubs pull big ratings too. This what TV watchers want. The TV networks know their market.

Of course this is what "we" want or, as GB says, it wouldn't be on. The media don't care what is right/wrong moral/immoral to broadcast, they will publish whatever will get most people watching / reading / listening.

I blame the education system which has produced a dumbed-down society that is more interested in this crap than things we should find interesting.

As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.
Certainly the media have dumbed down society as a whole, I guarantee you that if the ABC and SBS were the only TV stations on air we would have a better Australia.
Certainly the media have dumbed down society as a whole, I guarantee you that if the ABC and SBS were the only TV stations on air we would have a better Australia.
How do you think your fundamentally Right wing views would go if that were the case? Both ABC and SBS produce some wonderful stuff, but I'd hate to think of them as the sole purveyors of information, given their Left bias.
Certainly the media have dumbed down society as a whole, I guarantee you that if the ABC and SBS were the only TV stations on air we would have a better Australia.

But the ABC are almost as bad, wall to wall coverage on their news channel of the election of the Pope? :confused: Definitely a worthy of a story but no need to cover it for hours on end.
How do you think your fundamentally Right wing views would go if that were the case? Both ABC and SBS produce some wonderful stuff, but I'd hate to think of them as the sole purveyors of information, given their Left bias.

But the ABC are almost as bad, wall to wall coverage on their news channel of the election of the Pope? :confused: Definitely a worthy of a story but no need to cover it for hours on end.

Assuming they were balanced the overall programming is infinitely superior to the commercial networks.
Re: The Media in general

Considering the sensitivity of the recent siege , is publishing the photos and occupations of hostages a good idea ?

Let's remember that investigations are continuing and these people are witnesses. Could they be targets for fanatics ?

What about their privacy ?

This ABC story is media intrusion imo.

Hostages identities are news. You seem to be engaging in a lot of hand wringing. First you accuse the media of fear mongering and sensationalism and now you think the hostages might be targets for copycats?
Re: The Media in general

Hostages identities are news. You seem to be engaging in a lot of hand wringing. First you accuse the media of fear mongering and sensationalism

Did I ?

and now you think the hostages might be targets for copycats?

Witnesses to crimes don't generally have their faces plastered all over the media for good reason. Just because the crim is dead doesn't mean some of his supporters won't try and harass them, and the media will try it as well trying to get a scoop.

A Coroners inquest is going to be held, and that's the time for the hostages to tell their story, not to the sensationalist media.
News of the disgusting Mitchell Pearce is all over the ABC this morning.

Is this the sort of thing we need to have breakfast with ?

Just fine or suspend the bloke and get if out of our faces please.
News of the disgusting Mitchell Pearce is all over the ABC this morning.

Is this the sort of thing we need to have breakfast with ?

Just fine or suspend the bloke and get if out of our faces please.

Talk about a storm in a teacup. It's not even news worthy.

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