Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2025 Full Year Stock Tipping Competiton

Weird. I did post last month in my chosen companies. Are you retrospectively enforcing a rule to exclude people who don't like your rules even if they follow them?

If so, hey, maybe it's best if you do put that rule into place.
If he wants to threaten to exclude me even though I was complying with the rules, I'm happy to oblige and step out of his game, regardless of how much or little he is being paid. If it's not a pleasant, fun game being run in a pleasant way, I'm content to stop playing.

As you say, he volunteered. It's most peculiar to be grumpy or resentful in a position you volunteered for. It would actually make more sense if he was being paid.

Sorry for any feathers I ruffled, I'll ensure the door doesn't hit my arse on my way out.
I don't want to exclude you, but from the post #221, I got the impression that you did not want to post useless stuff every month, so I followed your suggestion in the post and said I would exclude you if did not want to post.
Seeing as you did post in the appropriate threads, then I will include you in the comp.
have a nice day.
The simple solution is to find some quirky fun fact if the stock is boring.....

Although the is no fun fact with CVN and PLY atm,,,,,,,,,,