Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Am I The Only One That HATES Feminism?

Just modern women inculcated with feminist programming quietly airing their views on how bad marriage is for them. Like all he does is go to work (and make the money). The victim unloading has never hated anyone more than her husband but stays for the money. The wise feminist advising says keep one foot out the door. Prepare and plan for marriage to fail. Of course the wise advisor also sought out the experiences of the man before forming her opinion on his toxicity. Believe all women.

Hilarious thread title. Imagine a West without feminism - if women did not vote just muse upon how much retardation would never even have a chance of getting up. If women were expected to stay at home in their childbearing years we would not face dwindling populations everywhere. Islam perhaps, though not my cup of the proverbial, is not without SOME simple instinctive common sense in certain areas.
I watch heaps of these badge cam vids and over entitled emotionally infantile women like this are way over represented in arrests. At 4.52 she literally calls for mummy. Imagine malignant out-of-control women like this being levered into important DEI roles as has been happening under woke U.S administrations for more than a decade. Sometime check out on youtube the congressional oversight hearings into new bureaucratic, attorney general and judicial appointments under Biden/Harris/Obama, There are no straight white men; only blacks, hispanics, homos, marxist academics and heaps of woke women who are like this under the surface.

As said before, I idly watch heaps of U.S crime and cop cam videos on YouTube and one of two groups over represented - self preservation restrains me from mentioning the other - is deranged vicious women wlelding phone cameras as aggressive power objects and casually calling police on men as if police are their personal assistants and force multipliers. On trend, the installed wokesters are expanding their powers against men in the Australian States.
MGTOW, the counter to feminism.

As said before, I idly watch heaps of U.S crime and cop cam videos on YouTube and one of two groups over represented - self preservation restrains me from mentioning the other - is deranged vicious women wlelding phone cameras as aggressive power objects and casually calling police on men as if police are their personal assistants and force multipliers. On trend, the installed wokesters are expanding their powers against men in the Australian States.
MGTOW, the counter to feminism.

Doesn't surprise me in the least.
Are Crazy Women Destroying the West? (see exposition above - by a sane woman)
I seriously believe there's something in this: both that the West is in decline and modern women are playing a role. Many can't handle the unprecedented freedom and power responsibly and rationally. They got no respect.

Are Crazy Women Destroying the West? (see exposition above - by a sane woman)
I seriously believe there's something in this: both that the West is in decline and modern women are playing a role. Many can't handle the unprecedented freedom and power responsibly and rationally. They got no respect.

It’s not the original feminism. When bloke can play a female sport and the so called feminists are fine with it and the actual women speak out are shut down you know something is wrong with society