Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ANH - Ansearch Limited

25 July 2004
ANH was OPM which is a dog of a stock I have held for a while. I had given up and have not been watching them.

Last week traded at 1.9c. Yesterday closed at 3.5c after trading as high as 3.9c. Quite an increase.

Anyone else hold these?
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days

They just posted response to speeding ticket that they know of no reason except that an internet advisory company called "invest 4 member mail" posted a buy recommendation yesterday. I have never heard of them but they must be influential.
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days

Since my last post has now gone to to 5.4c. This is now up 280% in a few weeks.

Amazing increase. I think I will sell today.
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days

Now at 8.6c. Up from 1.9c just before Christmas and rising every day with no news.
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days

I was going to trade it but when i saw it was a rebadged opm I looked quickly away.. pretty amazing run some are speculating its because a company invest4profit? has been spruiking it to thier clients..

there was some question mark around the way ansearch was getting its hits also... as in shonky ways... i've suddenly got to ansearch without knowing how a few times..

anyways obviously all that doesn't matter, gw who ever snuck in for this run.
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days

Now up to 9.5c on the basis of "we know of no reason for the increase" reply from the company for the second time.

It must stop sometime.
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days

Its response mentioned the share price of Google, the value of "Ask Jeeve" and the only search engine company listed on ASX. I wonder how many people who bought this share have ever looked at this search engine. Why do people use it instead of Google and Yahoo? I tried that last night and did not look appealing to me at all. Anyone who understand how special the technology this company has/the killer strategy they are going to implement, I would like to hear about it. Thanks.
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days

chansw said:
Its response mentioned the share price of Google, the value of "Ask Jeeve" and the only search engine company listed on ASX.

Yes they did mention these possible reasons but I thought that these general statements would hardly explain a 400% increase (2c to 10c)

They hit 10c today but are now off their peak.
Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days

... Well and truly off their peak and looking very toppy. Close will be interesting.


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Re: ANH Up 85% in a few days

I got that email "Offer" today as well
If they send it to enough people and only a small percentage buy in then. In my opinion that explains the recent price action.
Looks like pump and dump to me.
Wouldn't want to be the last of the sellers if it is all just hot air driving it.
Not with my $
No offence but i don't see any problem with invest4profit recommending to sell a company and then buy into another company as that's what their job is in helping people to profit from a sale and then buy into a company to do it all again. Volatility in the market is how we as traders make money so i don't see that to be a problem also.
Thanks for the comments. I just got in at 7.7c. Anyone have comments on fundamentals?

Is this company making any money?
In their last 1/2 yearly report they stated that their goal is to achieve month on month profitability by june 2006 and there has been other articles i've read.
the sp looks terrible. Still holding pathetically though. :banghead:

Any articles on this company posted here would be appreciated. I am in Singapore, so don't get to read newspapers.
Their last couple of months results have been huge increases in revenue.

But I must say I am fairly new to this stock. Can you elaborate on the integrity of the company and why you see it as questionable?
Looks like this company is finally turning profitable, only 4 months after their initial goal of June 2006 but only by $3,000 I think. Was hoping the announcement would come out while the market was open today and see what reaction it would have on the SP. Will be interesting to see what happens on Monday but my feeling is not a lot :(

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