Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

BBOZ - BetaShares Australian Equities Strong Bear Hedge Fund

Hit 52 week low this afternoon. Wondering if this is the turning point for our market, eg will we have a breakout?

Interest rate decision tomorrow morning at 6am
Bought a parcel of BBOZ this morning. Thinking that the banks can't continue going higher and BHP, RIO, TLS are all down and out of favour. Another rate rise would do me in and the irrepressible US markets won't help. R:R looks acceptable here.
What is a parcel?
I normally position size using the fixed fraction model and I risk 1% of account. Occasionally this model indicates that I need to invest too much, so in these situations I limit the pos size to a max size which I call a parcel. A speculative parcel is 3% of account and my max size is 15%. Similar to your heavy and light sails Capt.

This position in BBOZ I bought at 2.90 and placed my SL at 2.80 in case the market makes a new high. This tight SL limits my position size to the max 15% parcel rather than the 30% calculated by the FF method.
as expected due to the grinding of values in these financial tools:
26 April 2024
Market Announcements Office
ASX Limited
Unit consolidation – Betashares Australian Equities Strong Bear Hedge Fund (ASX Code: BBOZ)
Betashares Capital Limited (Betashares), the responsible entity of Betashares Australian Equities Strong Bear
Hedge Fund (BBOZ) today announces the upcoming consolidation of the units on issue in the fund.
The consolidation will commence on 30 May 2024. Once completed it is expected to result in a more
favourable bid-offer spread for investors in percentage terms.
This announcement contains details of the consolidation, its impact on units, tax considerations and timeline.
Please do not hesitate to contact Link Market Services or Betashares if you have any questions.
BBOZ unit consolidation summary
• BBOZ units will be consolidated on a 1 for 10 basis.
• The final day for trading BBOZ units before the consolidation is 29 May 2024.
• The consolidation process will commence on 30 May 2024.
Impact on units:
• The consolidation will have no direct impact on the net asset value of BBOZ.
• If the consolidation would otherwise result in an investor holding a fraction of a unit, this will be
rounded up to the nearest whole number.
• Apart from the effect of rounding up fractional units, the consolidation will not affect an investor’s
percentage holdings in BBOZ or the aggregate value of their holdings.
During the consolidation period:
• During the period 30 May to 7 June 2024 (inclusive), the units in BBOZ will trade on a deferred
settlement basis under ASX Code: BBODA (not BBOZ).
• Any trading of units during the deferred settlement period will settle on 13 June 2024, rather than on a
normal T+2 settlement basis.
• Importantly, the deferred settlement period will result in a delay in receiving the proceeds if an
investor sells units during this period.
o For example, if an investor sells their units on 30 May 2024, they will receive the sale proceeds on
13 June, rather than on 3 June (T+2 excluding weekends).
o As such, any investor that is considering selling their units during the deferred settlement period,
and who may be concerned about the deferred settlement, is encouraged to factor this into their
decision making.
Impact of consolidation on unitholding
BBOZ units on issue will be consolidated on a 1 for 10 basis. This means if an investor held 100 units prior to
the consolidation, they will hold 10 units post consolidation
I own BBOZ (short term couple of months) with kind of breakeven so far even with the market going down overall
as expected due to the grinding of values in these financial tools:
26 April 2024
Market Announcements Office
ASX Limited
Unit consolidation – Betashares Australian Equities Strong Bear Hedge Fund (ASX Code: BBOZ)
Betashares Capital Limited (Betashares), the responsible entity of Betashares Australian Equities Strong Bear
Hedge Fund (BBOZ) today announces the upcoming consolidation of the units on issue in the fund.
The consolidation will commence on 30 May 2024. Once completed it is expected to result in a more
favourable bid-offer spread for investors in percentage terms.
This announcement contains details of the consolidation, its impact on units, tax considerations and timeline.
Please do not hesitate to contact Link Market Services or Betashares if you have any questions.
BBOZ unit consolidation summary
• BBOZ units will be consolidated on a 1 for 10 basis.
• The final day for trading BBOZ units before the consolidation is 29 May 2024.
• The consolidation process will commence on 30 May 2024.
Impact on units:
• The consolidation will have no direct impact on the net asset value of BBOZ.
• If the consolidation would otherwise result in an investor holding a fraction of a unit, this will be
rounded up to the nearest whole number.
• Apart from the effect of rounding up fractional units, the consolidation will not affect an investor’s
percentage holdings in BBOZ or the aggregate value of their holdings.
During the consolidation period:
• During the period 30 May to 7 June 2024 (inclusive), the units in BBOZ will trade on a deferred
settlement basis under ASX Code: BBODA (not BBOZ).
• Any trading of units during the deferred settlement period will settle on 13 June 2024, rather than on a
normal T+2 settlement basis.
• Importantly, the deferred settlement period will result in a delay in receiving the proceeds if an
investor sells units during this period.
o For example, if an investor sells their units on 30 May 2024, they will receive the sale proceeds on
13 June, rather than on 3 June (T+2 excluding weekends).
o As such, any investor that is considering selling their units during the deferred settlement period,
and who may be concerned about the deferred settlement, is encouraged to factor this into their
decision making.
Impact of consolidation on unitholding
BBOZ units on issue will be consolidated on a 1 for 10 basis. This means if an investor held 100 units prior to
the consolidation, they will hold 10 units post consolidation
I own BBOZ (short term couple of months) with kind of breakeven so far even with the market going down overall
i got the BBUS one in the neck

looks like i dodged a bullet by being too greedy with BBOZ about a month ago

good luck

• BBOZ units will be consolidated on a 1 for 10 basis.
• The final day for trading BBOZ units before the consolidation is 29 May 2024.
• The consolidation process will commence on 30 May 2024.
Impact on units:
• The consolidation will have no direct impact on the net asset value of BBOZ.

Its really only designed as a day trading instrument due to the volatility decay. I wish there was a longer term instrument to bet on a decline in the index without the issue of volatility decay.
yes , i agree

i got lucky , accumulating BBOZ ( BEAR and BBUS ) in the dips from September 2019 to March 2020

i am not sure i will ever try that again( despite the successful outcome )

not so easy to pick a three month overall trend ( or longer ) in the current market
yes , i agree

i got lucky , accumulating BBOZ ( BEAR and BBUS ) in the dips from September 2019 to March 2020

i am not sure i will ever try that again( despite the successful outcome )

not so easy to pick a three month overall trend ( or longer ) in the current market
BBOZ is more of a medium term trading tool with holding periods sort of 2-3 months max . Given rates are up so much these days the holding cost is eating away at returns as well , on top of Exdivs , Its an instrument i will max hold for 5 weeks outside if i actually hold in a full blown collapse . Like yourself i was lucky enough to have BBOZ exposure into Feb '20 and i rode it all the way to lows . Anyway BBOZ into first 3 weeks of Sept has some positive expectancy attached
BBOZ is more of a medium term trading tool with holding periods sort of 2-3 months max . Given rates are up so much these days the holding cost is eating away at returns as well , on top of Exdivs , Its an instrument i will max hold for 5 weeks outside if i actually hold in a full blown collapse . Like yourself i was lucky enough to have BBOZ exposure into Feb '20 and i rode it all the way to lows . Anyway BBOZ into first 3 weeks of Sept has some positive expectancy attached
except for a handful of BBUS i bought later ( than March 2020 ) the strategy worked well

but can i pick another trend like that

i missed my targets when trying to buy during recent record highs , so has the XJO still a record left in it before the US elections ( anything could happen AFTER the elections ) ( i would rather be heavy in tangible commodities , and just amass divs. )

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