Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

BBUS - BetaShares U.S. Equities Strong Bear Hedge Fund

BBUS is a tricky one to trade short term as it's open when it's underlying market is closed. This creates the many opening gaps that we see on the chart. The open price includes the overnight price movement in the US market. If the US market has a down day then BBUS will gap up on the next open. BBUS can move a little more during its trading day if the US index futures move significantly during the ASX trading day.

Trading this profitably in the short term is an impossible task as we're always going to be a day late. We can get lucky by anticipating the US movement but this is gambling.

I'm currently trading BBUS to gain some experience in how to use it. I'm trading it with a bearish medium term outlook of the US markets. It's not a short term outlook. Since my bearish view is medium term (weeks/months) there's no need to be exact with the timing of my entries and exits. I'm allowed to be a day or two late with my execution.

I also think it may help to scale in and scale out of a position in BBUS and other US ETFs. Similar to dollar cost averaging in and then out. I didn't scale in with my current position and this has left me underexposed as the price went higher. I was concerned about timing it perfectly. I shouldn't have been concerned by this and just scaled in when I realised the opportunity was there. I've sold half to grab some of the gain and I'm waiting to either buy more if the US tanks again or sell out if the US continues to rally. My :2twocents
Sticking with it again in the 2023 tipping. It served me well in the 2022 down market.
It is a geared instrument, hence should be treated with great care by stock holders.
There as a hedge again this year
As you can see, when the market falls gently, it managed to fight its embedded perpetual down trend and stay flat...this is nearly as good as it gets ?

Just doesn’t look like a medium-long term investment strategy, and who could possibly get the timing right short term?

Is it possible to short BBUS? ?
Just doesn’t look like a medium-long term investment strategy, and who could possibly get the timing right short term?

Is it possible to short BBUS? ?
look over GGUS it isn't the mirror opposite but might do enough to suit your goal

sorry i don't touch shorting except glance at shorted stocks that i might hope to buy cheap

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