Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Canada the Brave

There's more than just tariffs. There's a lot of brilliant minds on this. It's foolish thinking anyone was doing anything to address the problem previously.
Are we really going to pretend that democrats had anything?
They would have driven it straight off a cliff with the democrats voters cheering them on.

Australia is getting to the same point fast

I am not cheering for the Democrats but that doesn’t make Trump an alternative everyone trying to read into how brilliant this all is delusional IMHO Trump has never been a genius ever and has held his current views for decades.
I am not cheering for the Democrats but that doesn’t make Trump an alternative everyone trying to read into how brilliant this all is delusional IMHO Trump has never been a genius ever and has held his current views for decades.
Not saying it's brilliant. Saying someone finally told it like it is. Not saying it's the right strategy or going to work. But who else is addressing reality?
We no longer have an alliance with the US that’s reliable do you understand that? That means we are 100% exposed without a nuclear weapons stance 🇩🇪 has already panicked getting the French to cover them that’s how the big boys roll.
Breath into a paper bag, don't hyperventilate, the world isn't coming to an end this arvo.

We don't want nuclear in Australia, so we just have to hope China is nice to us, this had to happen, sleepwalking into the abys behind the left wing loonies was getting us nowhere.

As I said a while back eventually you have an opposite swing, Australia lags the West due to ingrained apathy, but I'm sure we will see a strong swing right in the near future..

I do see the Loonie left in the U.K have taken note and started getting their house in order also, as they were looking like getting slung out of office very soon.
Once the West gets its $hit together, the whole place will be a lot safer and more sensible.
Labour in the U.K have obviously realised, sitting on their butts picking lint out of their navels, is no longer an option. :roflmao:

The fortunate thing is, they aren't in the EU, so they haven't got as much bloatware to fix. 😂

Canada will have to work through its own problems, but they do have a lot of mull shops,so that should chill the locals out.

Keir Starmer dramatically scrapped NHS England today as he launched a striking assault on the 'flabby, unfocused and over-cautious' state. The PM used a speech to deliver a damning verdict on the performance of the public sector, saying huge expansion in numbers had not worked. He announced that NHS England, which oversees individual hospital trusts, will be abolished altogether, saying it would bring health provision back under 'democratic control'.

Health Secretary Wes Streeting (pictured) had already declared he would dramatically curb the body - which ministers have labelled the 'world's largest quango'. NHS England is the central bureaucracy that controls more than £190billion a year of funding for health and has 15,000 staff.
Its functions will be taken over by the Department of Health over the next two years, with headcount cut by 9,000 - although it is not clear how many of those will be deployed elsewhere. Mr Streeting said there would be 'hundreds of millions of pounds' of savings. The NHSE chief executive and national medical director both resigned in recent weeks as the scale of the overhaul became clear.
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Breath into a paper bag, don't hyperventilate, the world isn't coming to an end this arvo.

We don't want nuclear in Australia, so we just have to hope China is nice to us, this had to happen, sleepwalking into the abys behind the left wing loonies was getting us nowhere.

As I said a while back eventually you have an opposite swing, Australia lags the West due to ingrained apathy, but I'm sure we will see a strong swing right in the near future..

I do see the Loonie left in the U.K have taken note and started getting their house in order also, as they were looking like getting slung out of office very soon.
Once the West gets its $hit together, the whole place will be a lot safer and more sensible.
Labour in the U.K have obviously realised, sitting on their butts picking lint out of their navels, is no longer an option. :roflmao:

Hilarious eh… Trump is ending the Western Alliance thats us who are you going to call when **** gets real learning Chinese might be a survival tactic.
Hilarious eh… Trump is ending the Western Alliance thats us who are you going to call when **** gets real learning Chinese might be a survival tactic.
I've never expected anything different, my parents grew up through WW2 in the UK, I actually can remember my childhood in the U.K in the early 1960's, so I don't have an issue with the expectation "you get out, as much as you put in".

The only ones that will struggle, are those who don't understand the meaning behind that phrase. Lol

You've been bagging the U.S and U.K for ages, time for us to man up, rather than expect someone else to cover our butt.
Superannuation is the next problem, the Govt wants it to fix the grid, we want it to fix our retirement, it should be interesting, when it is required to fix the economy.
I've never expected anything different, my parents grew up through WW2 in the UK, I actually can remember my childhood in the U.K in the early 1960's, so I don't have an issue with the expectation "you get out, as much as you put in".

The only ones that will struggle, are those who don't understand the meaning behind that phrase. Lol

You've been bagging the U.S and U.K for ages, time for us to man up, rather than expect someone else to cover our butt.
Superannuation is the next problem, the Govt wants it to fix the grid, we want it to fix our retirement, it should be interesting, when it is required to fix the economy.

UK was tough going in those days thats why you’re olds packed up and came to oz.
So whats your point? We should emigrate?
UK was tough going in those days thats why you’re olds packed up and came to oz.
So whats your point? We should emigrate?
No we just need to get on with it, start and own our problems, at the moment there is a large section of Australia that expect the Government to sort out their problems.

IMO the problem that the West has at the moment, there are very few, if any politicians who have had to deal with building an economy.

All that's happened for the last 50 years, is the politicians have been spending or giving away the gains from offshoring our industries instead of re investing some of it to grow value adding and R & D . ;)

The penny has dropped in the U.K, no doubt it will happen here and in Canada.
Politicians are going to have to learn that they aren't there just to hand out taxpayers money, they will have to think how to grow it, rather than just throw it. 😂
Hilarious eh… Trump is ending the Western Alliance thats us who are you going to call when **** gets real learning Chinese might be a survival tactic.
What's really happened is that all of a sudden those who've been saying for decades that the West was headed for trouble suddenly look alarmingly right.

We need industrial capability, we need adequate transport infrastructure, we need energy self-sufficiency and price competitiveness, we need defence capability, we need technical skills, we need hard headed decision making, etc.

On the politics well I don't think there's many people who genuinely have a problem with Aboriginals, gays and lesbians, protecting the natural environment, being polite and respectful to others, and so on. Very few really have any objection there.

What they do object to is the failure of politics to prioritise the points in the second paragraph whilst focusing heavily on those in the third paragraph. They lament the time and effort expended on an historic colonisation whilst ignoring the prospect of being colonised again. They lament the effort expended preserving a heritage site or natural feature whilst idly standing by as industry falls apart. They lament the focus on not offending anyone meanwhile we've become inadequately prepared to defend ourselves. And so on. In short they lament the focus on historic, internal or personal issues whilst ignoring very real external threats to the nation.

This isn't new. Plenty of people have seen the danger long before they ever heard of Donald Trump. Trouble is, those warnings have until now fallen on deaf ears.

What needs to happen now is getting on with it. Defence, industrial capability, energy, technical skills, etc need to be the focus and we need to get on with it. That doesn't mean we need to be nasty to Aboriginals and LGBTQIA people or that we go around destroying nature or heritage for the sake of it but we need to get things done, we can't be focusing on those things to the extent it means defence, industry, energy, technical competency etc is lost. :2twocents

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