Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

CDA - Codan Limited

5 June 2007

Hi folks,

CDA ..... will be alert for some positive news, this week.

Chart for CDA, attached ..... :)

happy days





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Hi folks,

CDA ..... will be alert for some more positive news, around 05-09032010,
as a significant and positive time cycle comes into play ..... :)

..... be warned, this stock is thinly traded ... !~!

have a great day




Hi folks,

CDA ..... will be alert for some more positive news, around 05-09032010,
as a significant and positive time cycle comes into play ..... :)

..... be warned, this stock is thinly traded ... !~!

have a great day





Hi folks,

CDA ..... a good start to the week and the chart is primed
to rally out of a huge rounding bottom, building up
since the lows, around Christmas 2008 ... !~!

After an investor presentation was released today, we
might expect more interest in this stock, later in the
week (see time cycle detailed in post above) ... and
especially so now, as the Chilean earthquake is likely
to have a direct bearing on its sales ..... :)

have a great day




Hi folks,

CDA ..... will be alert for some more positive news, around 05-09032010,
as a significant and positive time cycle comes into play ..... :)

..... be warned, this stock is thinly traded ... !~!

have a great day





Hi folks,

CDA ... we will be alert for some more good news, early this week,
as 2 positive time cycles come together and hopefully, this will backup
the investor presentation posted last week, as well ..... :)

..... CDA chart looks primed to blow out the top, too ... !~!

have a great week all




Hi folks,

CDA ... ticking up nicely, now ..... :)

Our astrostuff and TIME stops will have us looking for minor and positive
news 12-15032010 and another minor time cycle on 17032010, but definitely
exit by 22032010 (probably close on 19032010), as a minor and negative
lunar cycle is expected early on 22032010 ..... and on 23032010, more
minor news is expected for CDA.

Meanwhile, price stop is back at, about 1.30 to make it a
painless trade, if it all falls apart.

have a great day



Its a lonely place in here paul, and this growth is a little slow for me, but i just read on Eureka report site a great write up saying this thing is about 20% undervalue and a great buy etc. So i think your on to something. The article had some compelling reasons to buy.
Colour me stumped. Can someone explain this for me. CDA balance sheet shows debt increasing by $5.131m but the cash flow statement only shows $1.887m in proceeds from borrowings. What am I missing?
Colour me stumped. Can someone explain this for me. CDA balance sheet shows debt increasing by $5.131m but the cash flow statement only shows $1.887m in proceeds from borrowings. What am I missing?
I can't figure it out either. They did make an acquisition, but I do not understand how this would affect it. They would not just take over the debt (if any) of the firm they acquired, would they?

edit: I think it's an error. If you look at the acquisition completion announcement in January 2012 they used their existing debt facility to pay the entire $10 million. This certainly does not appear on the cash flow statement under receipts from borrowings.
Colour me stumped. Can someone explain this for me. CDA balance sheet shows debt increasing by $5.131m but the cash flow statement only shows $1.887m in proceeds from borrowings. What am I missing?

They made an acquisition for $6m + earn out and said it will be entirely funded by existing debt facility.

So for some reason the $6m debt didn't appear in the cash flow statement under financiing cash flows, yet somehow it is shown under investing cash flow "acquisition of a subsidiary".

Agree it doesn't make sense.
Thanks guys. The accounts are pretty impressive otherwise. Although they did pay a bit over 10x EBITDA for their latest acquisition,
Another nice one...heaps around in these 'trendy' times...Some past sellers to watch out for...But otherwise a nice looking chart.


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Another nice one...heaps around in these 'trendy' times...Some past sellers to watch out for...But otherwise a nice looking chart.
Also looking at this, albeit from a fundamental perspective. Still working out how much the "mining boom" affects their growth. Perhaps not as much as some I have decided. Thanks for your comments Canoz on these threads tonight. Been a joy reading from a technical perspective, your views, although I don't use the method, look pretty reasonable to me!
Also looking at this, albeit from a fundamental perspective. Still working out how much the "mining boom" affects their growth. Perhaps not as much as some I have decided. Thanks for your comments Canoz on these threads tonight. Been a joy reading from a technical perspective, your views, although I don't use the method, look pretty reasonable to me!

Yeah, its really cool when the fundamental stuff mesh's well with the price stuff...

Also looking at this, albeit from a fundamental perspective. Still working out how much the "mining boom" affects their growth. Perhaps not as much as some I have decided. Thanks for your comments Canoz on these threads tonight. Been a joy reading from a technical perspective, your views, although I don't use the method, look pretty reasonable to me!

I don't think mining is their big thing. They tend to be more into military/humanitarian. Having just gotten back from Central Asia (and having driven right through the place) I can tell you that phone reception is sketchy at best, you either have to rely on satellite phones/radios or on HF radio. HF is obviously far cheaper than satellite. They're operating in a small market. HF radios aren't going to boom but equally I don't think they will die out, they have terrific utility that you just can't get on VHF/UHF/SHF and they're cheap, let the ionisphere do all the work, so I guess it's more about whether they can maintain their piece of the pie.
I don't think mining is their big thing. They tend to be more into military/humanitarian.

Their income is 55% metal detection products (includes military products for mine detection), 37% communication (including satellite), 5% mining technology and 3% other.

Country Lad
Has been pushed up a bit lately. CUrrently at about 18 month highs, and if it can push above here and hold it might get a few tech analysts interested in a breakout. Volume seems pretty low though :2twocents
This is a solid business, I monitor them for a while but only bought them when they got rid of their satellite business as I think that will drag down the company, once that is out of the way and stock still trades cheap I load up.

Their metal detector are world class and very well known and used by artisanal miner and
UN and other organisation to detect mines etc...

they are the metal detector to get if you are serious...they are so good the Chinese
try to knock it off and sell them as CDA products...

it is a funny stories because a lot of them buy these cheap knock off and has CDA label all over it
they brought back to CDA shop for support and service.....CDA now implement chips in these devices
to counter the knock off.

Their radio business is target at military use and mining where there is little
communication infrastructure so you can say this guy build a name on the
frontier markets and less developed countries

Their products and services are well known so people keep coming back for more
pretty much like ARP in 4 wheels drive...if you want 4 Wheels accessories then ARB is
the name...

There is a lot to like about this business, strong balance sheet, excellent management
who look after small shareholders like the big guys, great dividend and It was very cheap
when I bought it...another business buy and hold..
Another stars on the rise
The AGM is like a page from a fairy tale
I called this the next ARP