Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

you both keep harping on about NAKED OTM PUTS.

Have you any idea what Daniel is teaching?

While Daniel mentions PUTS in passing, he mainly teaches trading with COVERED DEEP-IN-THE-MONEY CALLS.

this is just pure gold....:):eek::eek:
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

Dear Garpal Gumnut, wayneL, prawn_86, sails, waza1960 and ftw129,

as I am off to the Gold Coast for a couple of days R & R, I thought I had better write one more post and answer any questions you have asked so far or haven't even put yet.

prawn_86, I seriously am concerned about your ability to handle large numbers. If you cannot multiply 3200 by 100 without being wrong by a factor of ten, how can you ever be confident of being a successful options trader? Digging ditches is probably something you are more suited for.

I am glad you think that I am amongst the best traders in the world, but I do not claim to be. I certainly don't want to work for a hedge fund, sounds to much like a 9 to 5 job. I only want to work a few minutes a day and maybe a couple of hours on expiry weekends.

wayneL, you seem to really want to put people in little pigeon holes. Make sure you at least get your grammar right. It is "unconsciously incompetent" etc. etc. And I don't actually care what people call me or how they classify me, as long as I make good profits every month. And I mean EVERY month.

Total losses? The worst outcome is "break even" when the Guaranteed Stop Loss Order is applied correctly.

How will I cope when the market chomps down on my arm? That has happened twice so far, in August and October 2011, and I am sure it will happen again at some point in the future. What happened then is that I was stopped out of some but not all trades at "break even" and although the monthly profit was lower than usual, there was still a profit at the end of the month.

waza1960, no, I don't tell everybody that I know everything because I don't. In fact, I know very little, but I know enough to make in excess of $10K a month consistently.

ftw129, you really want me to post my results on a monthly basis? If I did, nobody here would believe it anyway, but I may post next week what I made in February.

You want to know whether Daniel's strategy works well over the long run? Daniel has been teaching this strategy since 2001, he lets his students know the trades he is putting on BEFORE he puts them on and he publishes his AUDITED results on his website. If you really want to know how Daniel's strategy works over the long run, I suggest you go to his website and look up his AUDITED results.

I know, I know, this post will again stir some of you up and you will call me all sorts of names and you can call me anything, but don't call me late for dinner. It really doesn't matter to me, I am happy to remain blissfully ignorant.

Some of my friends make $60K to $80K a year but they have to work really hard for it. I don't work hard at all but I make a lot more than that. I think that's only fair.

So, amigos, I'm off to the Gold Coast. I'm sure there'll be plenty of replies when I get back next week.

Have some really nice days,

Alvin Purple
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

Apparently these trades can miraculously circumvent delta skyquke.
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

Sounds like Alvin has found the holy grail of money making. Lucky him :rolleyes:
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

What gets me is that there would probably be hundreds of people doing Kertcher's courses - why is there only one person making all this money? Why isn't this thread full of them? If they appear out of nowhere now, it will make it look even more like a set up job...:rolleyes:

Or is it because the money is actually being earned from selling Kertcher's courses? Of course, we will never know whether Alvin actually makes all this money or where it comes from as there is no way of proving for sure.

If Alvin is really making all this money from trading, then Kertcher should be charging 100 times the price for a guaranteed income without risk of loss - or as has been said - he should simply set up a managed fund and rake in the millions.

Something is very fishy...
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

Ultimatum time....put up or shut up.

I say we shut the thread down if Alvin can't post an equity curve, verify the account with Admin.

Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

Proof Alvin, proof.

Talk is cheap Alvin.


Ultimatum time....put up or shut up.

I say we shut the thread down if Alvin can't post an equity curve, verify the account with Admin.


I am in total agreement.

Shut the thread down, he will not provide proof.

It just encourages those with too little sense, too much money, or both, to get involved.

Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

would rather see his trade history , say this months and last months positions , and the ones from aug/sept 2011
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

For anyone perusing this thread wondering about Daniel's course i would be sceptical as to why they wont provide trading records to one of the mods here, or even post a series of live trades publicly. In fact i dont think Alvin has posted in any other thread, so obviously he doesnt beleive in contributing widely to the ASF community.

If it really is so easy, why is Daniel even selling the course and why is Alvin here defending it? Surely, with compounding, Daniel has made 10's of millions of dollars by now :rolleyes:

There is not one example throughout all of history where increased financial reward did not come with increased risk. If as Alvin claims he is making hundreds of thousand of dollars risk free, this is not only impossible, but he has effectively broken every financial theory and rule in the book, it would be like proving gravity doesnt exist. :2twocents
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

ftw129, you really want me to post my results on a monthly basis? If I did, nobody here would believe it anyway, but I may post next week what I made in February.

How much you made is irrelevant anyway, just show us the stock names with entry and exit prices of the last full month so that we can see you percentage gain. But to prove that we will then want your entry prices of your trades for next month for us to follow and if as good as you say then someone may become interested.

Simple, put up in this simple manner or shut up.
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

For anyone perusing this thread wondering about Daniel's course i would be sceptical as to why they wont provide trading records to one of the mods here, or even post a series of live trades publicly. In fact i dont think Alvin has posted in any other thread, so obviously he doesnt beleive in contributing widely to the ASF community.

If it really is so easy, why is Daniel even selling the course and why is Alvin here defending it? Surely, with compounding, Daniel has made 10's of millions of dollars by now :rolleyes:

There is not one example throughout all of history where increased financial reward did not come with increased risk. If as Alvin claims he is making hundreds of thousand of dollars risk free, this is not only impossible, but he has effectively broken every financial theory and rule in the book, it would be like proving gravity doesnt exist. :2twocents

There's an A1 post right there. Absolutely bang on Prawn.
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

wayneL, you seem to really want to put people in little pigeon holes. Make sure you at least get your grammar right. It is "unconsciously incompetent" etc. etc. And I don't actually care what people call me or how they classify me, as long as I make good profits every month. And I mean EVERY month.

Total losses? The worst outcome is "break even" when the Guaranteed Stop Loss Order is applied correctly.

Well now this interesting. Every trade starts at break even less contest risk. So at inception you are already less than break even. So you are immediately stopped out?

Ok let's let the trade develop a bit. Because you have +delta in a synthetic naked put, any immediate move down will have you in a loss situation... so how does this break even stop work when you are immediately underwater.

An Orangutan would realise that you haveto be in profit first to be able to ahve a break even stop. A break even stop is a logical absurdity if you are in an open loss situation.

Additionally, IIRC a CFD gauaranteed stop must be at least 5% below the entry price. If your stop level is hit before theta has eaten away those deltas, you have crystalized a loss there matey.

Any lame-witted knucklehead will be able to see the mechanics of this with any options modeller, but somehow, as well as turning water to wine, walking on water and feeding the 5,000 with a mouldy loaf of bread and a decomposing blowfish, Kertcher is able to overcome the reality of the option pricing model.

Any nooooobs reading this and attracted by this impossibility, invest $100 in a Hoadley OPM and learn how utterly fallacious this person's claims are.

How will I cope when the market chomps down on my arm? That has happened twice so far, in August and October 2011, and I am sure it will happen again at some point in the future. What happened then is that I was stopped out of some but not all trades at "break even" and although the monthly profit was lower than usual, there was still a profit at the end of the month.

I am calling you out on this Alvin, There is not a retail options trader on this end of the milky way who never has a losing month. This is just USDA Grade A bullshyte. Pure camel dung. Laughable.

I have all the evidence I need to know a/ this guy doesn't trade at all or b/ is lying through his @ss.

There, now you have some impetus to prove me wrong. Go for it.
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

There is not one example throughout all of history where increased financial reward did not come with increased risk. If as Alvin claims he is making hundreds of thousand of dollars risk free, this is not only impossible, but he has effectively broken every financial theory and rule in the book, it would be like proving gravity doesnt exist.

My 2c, Alvin claimed he has been in the PP stuff since 2009. If so, it's totally possible that he has experienced great returns without a major drawdown from selling volatility in stocks. Plenty of funds which are short vol in stocks have achieved this kind of return, exhibit A would be the PIMCO stocksPLUS series.


Obviously selling VXX would be similar. 30% PA returns have definitely been feasible since 2009.


'cos it seems like a few here are disputing it's possible. I just wanted to point out that it's totally within the realm of returns for selling volatility.

Anyone reading this as a defense of PP or Daniel K is wrong, I still think it's a scam.
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

I'd point out that Alvin didn't actually say he is making the money risk free. You kind of put those words in his mouth.

My 2c, Alvin claimed he has been in the PP stuff since 2009. If so, it's totally possible that he has experienced great returns without a major drawdown from selling volatility in stocks. Plenty of funds which are short vol in stocks have achieved this kind of return, exhibit A would be the PIMCO stocksPLUS series.

Obviously selling VXX would be similar. 30% PA returns have definitely been feasible since 2009.

'cos it seems like a few here are disputing it's possible. I just wanted to point out that it's totally within the realm of returns for selling volatility.

Anyone reading this as a defense of PP or Daniel K is wrong, I still think it's a scam.

Sinner, Alvin is claiming by implication that he has never had a losing month.

There is nothing wrong with trading naked puts or their synthetics, it is a valid strategy fully capable of making a profit long term.

But the suggestion here is that you just put the trades on and collect the cash as expiry. Your graphs show that not to be the case, even if long term profitable.
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

Sinner, Alvin is claiming by implication that he has never had a losing month.

There is nothing wrong with trading naked puts or their synthetics, it is a valid strategy fully capable of making a profit long term.

But the suggestion here is that you just put the trades on and collect the cash as expiry. Your graphs show that not to be the case, even if long term profitable.

The thing is though, there is plenty of academic research that says the same thing, "consistent sellers of index vols can generate strong RaR". If you look at the PUT and BXM indexes, that is precisely what they do, systematic vol selling, collect the cash on expiry.

I think it is possible, with the exception of 2011, to have been selling vol since 2009 without a losing month.

:badsmile: devils advocate end.

Obviously it's a logical fallacy along the lines of recency bias to believe this can continue indefinitely. Arc Sine Law and all that.
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

The thing is though, there is plenty of academic research that says the same thing, "consistent sellers of index vols can generate strong RaR". If you look at the PUT and BXM indexes, that is precisely what they do, systematic vol selling, collect the cash on expiry.

I think it is possible, with the exception of 2011, to have been selling vol since 2009 without a losing month.

:badsmile: devils advocate end.

Obviously it's a logical fallacy along the lines of recency bias to believe this can continue indefinitely. Arc Sine Law and all that.

Possible, but improbable.

It is also possible to trade long stock in a swing system... or day trade... to not have a losing month for extended periods.... and probably do better than selling vol.

But probability catches up in the end.... it doesn't mean something is a loser, but that one should mitigate.
Re: Daniel Kertcher/Platinum Pursuits - Serious or Scam?

I was taught covered calls by a spruiker (got sucked in a few years ago!)...:eek:...and they were only looking at the short option as income. Any losses on the stock were not considered. It was explained that was like owning a rental house where the value would fluctuate but you keep collecting your rent.

So then the premium you collect is then calculated as a percentage of the price of the stock as that was your investment and not the entire trading account.

There was one couple who did this same seminar before me and, because they were using margin lending for their stock, the premiums from the short options were going into a different account. They took this to a bank as "income" and they got a loan for a house...:eek: From the bank's perspective, it looked like they were getting regular income.

And all this was in a predominantly volatile sideways market at the time on Newscorp so the premiums were quite healthy. How these people got on in a fast bear market, I don't know as we did not stick around once we realised the large downside risk as protective puts needed to be far away so that the call premium was not eroded.

I don't know if that's how Kertchner plays it, but likely it is similar albeit it with CFDs. A guaranteed stop loss would be no different to a protective put, imo, just probably more expensive.

FWIW, that might give some insight as to how these apparent large returns are achieved by not deducting losses on the stock or CFDs from the premium "income".

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