Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

FFI - FFI Holdings

Bit of a hit to earnings with the restatement of the tax liability, but a look thru to the FCF will show that things are ticking along quite nicely!

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FFI, this is the sort of business I love owning. Annual report is 18 pages! No photos, no bull**** earnings, just the financials and brief, concise commentary. As foretold in July, the main impact is the higher tax rate.

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The Company’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) remains suspended and will not be in operation for the final dividend payable on 26 September 2024.

There is no foreign sourced dividend.

that is a bit of a bummer .. i participate in the DRP

oh well a bit more cash to splash elsewhere ( since i suspect this will not dip low enough to add on-market )
I am generally not a fan of DRP's due to the effect of dilution. But, yeah, means a new home has to be found for the capital. In my case I just take them as lump sum payments!
I am generally not a fan of DRP's due to the effect of dilution. But, yeah, means a new home has to be found for the capital. In my case I just take them as lump sum payments!
it depends on which companies i participate fully or partially

and also the timing of when the plan is offered . for example , only recently has BHP offered a plan .. in 2011 i would have been very interested , but now approaching 70 years old not so attractive

but FFI has operated it most of that time , so there i have been an eager participant

Movement from the previous corresponding period (6 months ended 31 December 2023) for:Revenue from ordinary activities up 7.5% to $30,247,295
Net profit from ordinary activities after tax attributable to members up 7.6% to $1,827,669
Amount per security Franked amount per security
Interim dividend 10.0 cents 10.0 cents
Interim dividend previous corresponding period Nil Nil
Record date for determining entitlements to the dividend 7th April 2025
Payment date for the dividend 17th April 2025
The Company’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) is being recommenced and will be in operation for the interim dividend payable on 17th April 2025.
A discount of 5.0% has been set by the Board and will apply to the DRP for the interim dividend.
The Board also advises that the DRP price in relation to the interim dividend will be capped at $3.75 per share.
Previously lodged elections to participate in the DRP remain valid, however should shareholders wish to change their participation details, new Notice of Election forms may be obtained by contacting the Company’s share registry.
The last date for receipt of DRP election notices is 10th April 2025.
There is no foreign sourced dividend.

Current period 31/12/2024 Previous corresponding period 31/12/2023
Net tangible assets per security $4.14 $4.11
This report has been reviewed by Moore Australia Audit (WA).It is recommended that this report be read in conjunction with the annual financial report of the Company for the year ended 30 June 2024.

i hold FFI ( and participate in the DRP )

hmmm looks like my top up play on FFI has gone astray

( part of a much larger release )
Leadership Update
The Board of FFI Holdings Limited (“FFI” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the appointment
of Mr Bret Mathews as Chief Exective Officer of FFI, effective from 1st April 2025.
Mr Mathews is a long-time employee of FFI, commencing with the Company in 1992. He has
provided consistently strong leadership in various roles across the Company’s operations and most
recently as Group General Manager. The Company has achieved significant growth in all areas of
operations during Mr Mathews tenure.
Mr Geoffrey Nicholson, also effective from 1st April 2025, will retire from his position of Managing
Director and become a Non-Executive Director of the Company. Mr Nicholson has been an Executive
Director of FFI since 1986 and Managing Director since 2019. He has played a significant role in the
growth and development of the Company over this period. The Board congratulates Mr Nicholson on
his distinguished executive leadership of FFI and is pleased that he will remain as a Non-Executive
Director of the Company.
These planned changes are part of the smooth transition of the Company’s executive management
team to ensure FFI’s ongoing leadership, company culture and success.
A summary of the material terms of Mr Mathews employment and remuneration package is
contained in Annexure 1.
About F.F.I. Holdings Ltd.
F.F.I. Holdings Ltd is a Western Australian based food company with manufacturing, processing and
packing operations covering the following areas –
♦ “Chocolate Products of Australia” – chocolate and related products.
♦ “Nemar Cake Toppings” – cake toppings and confectionery products.
♦ “Prepact”- contract packing and blending.
♦ “Fresh Food Industries” – bakers jams and fruit fillings.
In addition to the food operations, the Company has a significant investment in prime industrial and
commercial property which is held for investment purposes.

This announcement was authorised by the Board of FFI Holdings Limited.

i hold FFI