Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ME1 - Melodiol Global Health

I’m not sure whether this is innovative, weird or both. The next few months will be telling.

CEO, Mr William Lay said: “We are very excited to become the first ASX-listed cannabis company to launch in The Sandbox metaverse. This follows a considerable amount of hard work, planning and strategy and highlights the Company’s innovative approach to driving marketing and sales across new, borderless channels.

“We expect that the launch will allow for the introduction of Creso Pharma’s brands and products to a wide range of new consumers and potential investors utilising the metaverese to seek the latest and most exciting opportunities.

I suppose that since they have bought land in the Metaverse, are reproducing the facility in the Metaverse, they will be able to sell the Cannabis in the Metaverse :playful:
Seriously though, if it gives them a marketing edge, maybe not such a dumb idea.
As I am of a sober nature the online comments and videos of the until recently Chairman of this pot stock has been less than restrained.

He has only been Chairman for a month following the resignation of the previous holder of that office after a police raid.

From the AFR.

Pot stock Creso Pharma chairman exits after wild TikTok spectacle​

Michael RoddanNational correspondent

The chart says it all.


Declaration. Neither Garpal Gumnut nor any of his associated entities have ever had shares in TikTok nor Creso Pharmaceuticals. Garpal Gumnut is not a policeman nor a member nor fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

In case the chart doesn't say it all, I've added a note to mine.

View attachment 149905.

This is the most extreme example of an obvious toxic dumpster fire to avoid that I have ever seen on the ASX.

Did you see the director's drugged up TikTok video with the young woman? The company is now funding his legal expenses to defend himself over it, and he's going to plead not guilty! The ongoing shenanigans the directors get into and the blatant rorts the company engages in are beyond words.
On June 13th, 2023, Creso Pharma Limited (CPH) changed its name and ASX code to Melodiol Global Health Limited (ME1).

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