Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

MLM - Metallica Minerals

Ah k maybe $40 mill is a bit much now i take a closer look, from what i can see the plant was worth around $30 mill.

So yes $2 mill is a steal.

I do not know if this plant can be converted easily for use with other ore types eg nickel but even if it cant be just sitting on it until moly prices rise cant hurt as the price for it is so cheap.
metrocoal ann out regarding drilling program carried out in may re their UCG project in qld,


has confirmed expectations of coal seam continuity and thickness. Modelling and resource evaluation is ongoing with a maiden resource estimate expected early in June, 2009.


Coal intercepts confirm preliminary geological model.
Exploration expected to bring target resource to JORC Inferred and Indicated status.


The Juandah MDLA 406 60km² tenement area near Wandoan has an exploration target(1) of between 125 Mt and 155 Mt the within the initial area of drilling. This target could be capable of supporting a coal gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant producing 20,000 barrels of liquid fuels per day for more than 20 years and is expected to increase as the drilling program expands.

Drilling targeted the Macalister Seams as the main priority. Initial results confirm that the Macalister seams are continuous across the MDLA area with working sections between 3.0m and 12.02m in thickness.


Processing of exploration data and geological modeling is expected to be completed by end May. Coal quality assay results are also expected by the end of May allowing a resource estimate to be released in early June 2009.

cheers :)
reasonable sell-off in this stock since this morning's ann,

sp down almost 17% on above average volume (not a heavily traded stock)

cheers :)
reasonable sell-off in this stock since this morning's ann,

sp down almost 17% on above average volume (not a heavily traded stock)

cheers :)
Maybe a case of buy the rumour and sell the fact. This looks like a very good result to me. This is just the start of drilling out their various EPC's all likely to have significant coal.

If they do get an intial resource around their target of 125-155Mt then it would be a good start over just a small area.
Chinese Nickel major also ups there stake to 19.95% (see ASX ann today) and the takeover of QOL is a goer.

Things are looking good for MLM...i'm still in zi red but am confident of MLM delivering ($19.4m cash at bank, virtually debt free) in the coming years.
Interesting to see KZL has ceased to be a substantial holder in MLM. What do others think of this?
KZL cease to be holders due to the Chinese Nickel Major buying their shares directly.

Are you inferring that KZL need money and hence got rid of the shares or that they do not trust the future of MLM? (not attacking just a question :D)
Interesting to see KZL has ceased to be a substantial holder in MLM. What do others think of this?

kzl may see better use for the funds, better synergies elsewhere, an example of this could include their ann today re western areas

just as interesting a question could be what might the intentions be of jilin, the acquirer of kzl's stake

cheers :)
KZL cease to be holders due to the Chinese Nickel Major buying their shares directly.

Are you inferring that KZL need money and hence got rid of the shares or that they do not trust the future of MLM? (not attacking just a question :D)

Just throwing the question out there that's all. KZL have been shareholders for quite some time and noticed they've reduced holdings in MLM and GGY.
re qol takeover,

mlm up to 30% of qol shares

oum t/o offer closed at 22.4%

qol announces 1:1 rights issue to raise just under $2M for working capital and to pay off debt to oum, mlm has agreed to take up its allotment of rights issue

one of the reasons mlm gave to sell the t/o to qol s'holders was that mlm could provide working capital and pay off the oum debt

will be interesting to see how t/o pans out

cheers :)
ann out this morning re substantial holding in qol (t/o target), as of 19/05 increased holding to just over 36%

in reponse to qol's recent rights issue mlm stated it would take part only if it secured 40% acceptances by 7pm on 19/05

from today's ann it would appear that mlm has not achieved the 40% and if so will not be taking part in the 1:1 rights issue (which it states would be part of its commitment to providing $1M in funding to qol)

the t/o offer is conditional on achieving 40% by 28/05 (which it appears likely to achieve)

if oum and other shareholders take up the rights issue it will dilute mlm's holding

still playing out

cheers :)
according to smh (hardcopy) the firb in assessing the rio-chinalco tie-up is concerned not just about the implications for iron ore but also qld's bauxite resources with analysts beleiving its possible that they be made to surrender up to a third of their bauxite leases

cape alumina (mlm 32%) has leases directly bordering and surrounding the rio alcan leases at weipa

if analysts are correct an opportunity potentially awaits for cape to pick up some rio/alcan leases

cape is expected to release a resource update by later this month (from 100.8Mt of indicated and inferred)

cheers :)
no ann today (yet) as to holding in qol, takeover ends 28/05, with 40% acceptance required, as of yesterday approx 38.5%

coal resource estimate and bauxite resource update due by late may/early june

cheers :)
There you go, way over 40% now... up to 60.94% after OUM accepted the MLM offer. The offer is still open for 2 more days.

way over 40% now...

indeed almost 62% as of this am, with the takeover now extended to 9 june, with all who accept by 7pm tomorrow being issued shares by 5 june

what better way to welcome new s/holders than with the release of the coal and bauxite resource anns due by early june

cheers :)
This seems like a good initial resource.

UCG is Chinese to me. Any thoughts?

28 May 2009

An initial resource of 171.7 million tonnes has been announced for the underground coal gasification (UCG) project being developed by MetroCoal Limited in the Surat Basin northwest of Brisbane.

The JORC-compliant Inferred and Indicated Resource estimate was prepared following a successful 16 hole drilling program completed recently at Juandah Prospect by MetroCoal, an 84% owned subsidiary of, Metallica Minerals Limited (ASX code: MLM).

How do you get a JORC after just 16 holes? :confused:
This seems like a good initial resource.


agreed, metallica seem to think so to


This resource comfortably exceeds MetroCoal’s 100Mt target required to support a major UCG project producing 20,000 barrels a day of high quality, cleaner liquid fuels. There is also significant scope to increase the resource in areas where the Macalister Lower Seam coalesce with the Macalister Upper creating potential working sections up to 12 metres thick


The initial JORC Code resource is a favourable result as only a very small portion of MetroCoal’s tenement coverage was involved in the drilling.

so first results reveal more than targetted with a lot more still to drill

as to ucg - burn coal underground (insitu) to produce gas that generates electricity etc, their tenements are surrounded by linc, carbon, cougar (ucg'ers) although mdla406 (these results) are further north-west (about 50 kms away)


How do you get a JORC after just 16 holes?
according to metallica


Coal resource estimation has been carried out over the Juandah Project Area in accordance with the JORC Code. The inferred resource estimate is based on points of observation no more than 4km apart and not exceeding 1km past the last data point. The indicated resource estimate is based on points of observation no more than 1km apart.

cape alumina (MLM 32%) bauxite resource update due in june

cheers :)
linc eneregy recently opened

the world's forst Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) to Gas to Liquids (GTL) facility

at chinchilla, about 50 kms from the recently drilled and subject of today's mlm ann, mdla406 [see linc energy's 24/04/09 ann]

linc describes ucg as a

proven production process ... a new future for liquid fuels production and power generation.

cheers :)
from metallica's latest presentation the cape alumina resource upgrade is now due to be delivered at the end of june (mlm 32%)

the june qtr should also reveal the possible sale of some of their limestone projects

cheers :)
Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooosssshhh!!! (blows dust off thread).

Howdy all MLM holders. Just thought i'd give this thread a bit of life support and see what's happening.

- Resource Update for Wolfram Creek project due March/April
- PFS study for Nornico nickle mine due June/July


Nornico Project - Nickle/Cobalt
Greenvale Operations - Nickle/Cobalt
Lucky Break - Nickle
Kokomo - Scandium
Limestone Project
Weipa - Zircon project

33% Stake in Cape Alumina (CBX)
47% Stake in Orion Minerals (ORM)
56% Stake in Metrocoal (MTE)
76% Stake in Planet Metals (PMQ)

Current MC @ 25 cents is $30 million (which includes $10 million in cash).
MC of combined assets and shareholdings - $52.2 million.

What gives?

These guys have me in a many many pies...but no news :confused:

Anybody? :rolleyes:

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