Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

MSB - Mesoblast Limited

MSB on the move again , on good volume of 8 + million for the day .
The after - hours crowd were good for more than 2 million of that .
S. P. closed up nearly 12 % , today to $ 1.68 since dipping last week to near $ 1.47 , after the mad run earlier this month , up to $ 1.83 .
Would have to conclude , she's looking bullish . A bit , anyway .
I hope this helps?

I note that 2.92 M were Bought on the Close on the 10 MINUTE chart
I also note that 2.9M were Sold on the Close on the 10 Minute chart
I also note a large Red Candle 10 Minutes Prior Going DOWN Down Down

If you need to know what's going on I think you should hire a Thief to catch this Thief
It's AMAZING how many Skippers and Cheats respect the danger of breaking that Thick Sky Blue Stop-Loss Safety Line

Sailing the MSB---------One Week at a Time------& --------------One DAY at a Time -----------------------& ------------10 MINUTES at a Time


In Summary The Chart looks Good so I suggest Hold on Tight Brave One
Even if some Broker is Playing Funny Buggers on the Close of Dusk

Salute and Gods' Speed
Whack -a- mole announcements out today . I can't make any sense out of it .
The middle one from Tuesday makes some sense , re : Rewascor and the FDA .

The market subsequently went off its rocker . S.P. down to a $ 1.56 low , to close at $ 1.67 on a volume of ......jeebus . Over 18 million !


  • Pause-in-Trade.PDF
    115.3 KB · Views: 10
  • FDA-Grants-Mesoblast-RMAT-Designation.PDF
    196.9 KB · Views: 6
  • Material-Announcement.PDF
    112.6 KB · Views: 14
Here's Tuesday's .

Also , JP Morgen became a substantial MSB holder on 18 th of last month with 6 % or nearly 70 million shares .

( Getting ahead of our Capt'n , maybe ! )


  • REVASCOR-Improves-Survival--Reduces-Major-Morbidity.PDF
    205.8 KB · Views: 13
No news .
Up a bit ( 7 % ) on a down day .
S. P. at $ 1.73
What's going on ?
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No news . Up a bit ( 7 % ) on a down day .S. P. at $ 1.73 What's going on ?

Certainly a good day for holders.:)

Just me but I'd be cautious of the big push into a near double top after the recent push down perhaps??
Sweet Jeebus. Done for the day at $ 1.84 , up 14 % on 15 1/2 million shares .
That kind of volume not seen for a month .
I'm looking into it but can't figure out what's going on .
I'd love for the ASX to hit 'em with a speeding ticket but you just know they'd come back with Sergeant Schultz 's " I see nothing , I hear nothing , I know nothing ! "
Is very much a speculation stock.
Could be some trial data to back it up????
Even if it was.... Is it priced in????

Still holding as I have nothing better to do.
I'm looking into it but can't figure out what's going on .
There was an announcement a week ago. Possibly it has been written up somewhere and the herd followed.

"United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Mesoblast’s second
generation allogeneic, STRO3-immunoselected, and industrially manufactured stromal cell therapy Revascor® (rexlemestrocel-L) Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation following submission of results from the randomized controlled trial in children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), a potentially life threatening congenital heart condition."
MSB hit a record high today and closed up 6 % to $ 1.94 .
9 Million shares went through for the day , including a ( very ) late trade crossing of 400 , 0000 , 51 minutes after the close .

No news out , except for this big shot from yesterday . He bought another 15 million recently taking his interest up to....gee golly , 18 % !

People know stuff , alright . More than me , that's for sure .


  • Change-in-substantial-holding.PDF
    220.6 KB · Views: 15
JP Morgen became a substantial MSB holder on 18 th of last month with 6 % or nearly 70 million shares
Well that didn't last , did it ? J. P. ' s bailed ! Looks like they're out totally , too . See the announcement below .
MSB is now on the NASDACQ , ooohh , how about that . Ho ! Ho !
That sent the S. P. over $ 2 today . Closed at $ 1.98 .
" Something's goin ' on but you don't know what it is , do you Mr. Jones .." His Bobness , Nobel prize winner .( Ms Swift , beat that ! )


  • Mesoblast-to-be-Added-to-Nasdaq-Biotechnology-Index - Copy.PDF
    174.6 KB · Views: 8
  • Ceasing-to-be-a-substantial-holder (2) - Copy.PDF
    815.8 KB · Views: 12
Was ist denn hier los ?
Amost fifty eight million shares traded today . Take a look at the Captain's chart over on his site # 1901
Who in their right mind would pay $ 3 for this thing ?
Come back J.P. Morgen . We hardly knew ya .


  • FDA-Approves-Mesoblast-Ryoncil.PDF
    218.2 KB · Views: 11
  • Mesoblast-Webcast.PDF
    185.1 KB · Views: 10
MSB holding up well today , both price-wise ( up 8 % to $ 2.63 with 2 hours trading to go ) and surprise , surprise ( ! ) volume , too ...12+ million .
Maybe after some consolidation it could be ready for another leg up ? Hard for me to believe right now , but.....
we'll see .

Here's the good Doctor's latest interest , as at 13 th December . Added $ A 1.5 million worth in a placement , to his hoard of ,what is it now , 5 1/2 million shares ! ( Director : Dr . Eric Rose , that is . )


  • Appendix-3Y-for-Eric-Rose (1).PDF
    212.2 KB · Views: 13
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Come back J.P. Morgen . We hardly knew ya .
Mea Culpa .

J. P. 's back , apparently ! Some pr*ck couldn't read the tiny print in that long list J.P. Morgen sent out on the 13 th of this month . Could have been lending it out to short sellers ?

Anyway , here's the latest . Since 5 days ago , we're holding 95 million shares or 8 % .

S.P. trading currently at $ 2.62 on fair volume , too .


  • Becoming-a-substantial-holder.PDF
    1.2 MB · Views: 11
Mea Culpa .

J. P. 's back , apparently ! Some pr*ck couldn't read the tiny print in that long list J.P. Morgen sent out on the 13 th of this month . Could have been lending it out to short sellers ?

Anyway , here's the latest . Since 5 days ago , we're holding 95 million shares or 8 % .

S.P. trading currently at $ 2.62 on fair volume , too .
Hi Joe I only replied to Rabbits' Post
This is the Thread I am Talking about
Apologies Dyna for the Interruption